Yeah it’s very meaningful. It means I’m going dread going to my covenant sanctum and all of the mogs/mounts I can earn.
didnt read your wall of text, you are part of the problem tho, its a game, just play it when it comes out and enjoy.
Why bother using a forum if you don’t want to read
How do you even get to say “play and enjoy” when you don’t even know what the content of the post was?
There are plenty of great arguments for making covenant abilities swappable, but this isn’t one of them.
“They don’t want to kill each other, so they should share their abilities,” is lame.
The post is about how the game design means he can’t enjoy it. Your post is like telling someone to enjoy eating burnt food because hey… it’s food.
sorry but if you dont enjoy a game you go play another one you dont whine on the game forums for changes, if you burn your food, you dont eat it.
Are you new or something?
Or you could learn to cook and not burn your food.
Blizzard could learn from their mistakes in Legion and BFA and create a better game.
Almost has more forum posts than he does achievement points
Guy that barely plays is explaining to us how we should enjoy a bad product when we’ve played the game way more than him and will more than likely play way more in shadowlands
A dollar is a dollar. My subscription is worth the same as yours.
okey dokey then, ill be playing bg3 while i wait for covenants to come out unchanged.
You’re still yet to explain to me how changing this system has any impact on you at all
Im assuming you’re not going to just say “it won’t” because it will make you sound silly
No it really hasn’t. Until basically legion the game was extremely friendly to raid logging.
Because what reason? It doesn’t fit the story at all and reduces how many different cool combinations can be come up with and played by everyone.
There is no meaningful choice. If I offer you the choice in a game between a water pistol that occasionally drips a single drop of water out in a sad stream and then needs to be reloaded and an MG with 200 rounds per clip and infinite clips you have a “choice” of which to take. However there is no actual choice this is what we call a false choice and these “choices” have sims showing a 20% disparity or more.
It’s not as much as you wish it was now the antis on the other hand that is very possibly true since when a certain person got banned posts against dropped by something like 50%.
It’s not we have actual numbers and in game data showing performance. You have your wish for “meaningful choice” that isn’t actually choice because of the performance delta.
Also if you want to appeal to the fallacy of the majority the beta covenant issues thread is one of the highest liked posts in the history of the forums with currently over 4000 likes.
I play games for my own reasons. RPG immersion and verisimilitude is something I value.
If I make a choice, I want that choice to have an impact not only on what I see and experience, but how I play the game as well.
It’s an RPG. Choices should matter.
You still didn’t tell me how unlocking the abilities impacts you in anyways
You just said a whole bunch of stuff that ion said
It’s also not an RPG it’s an MMORPG and they function differently
Arguing with these ppl is just bumping their thread, best to just let it die.
You mean how it’s basically dead outside reset day again? The only reason people play classic is nostalgia much like the only reason I play retail is it seems like no other team can make a decent raid.
This is just sad on so many levels. Elitists didn’t get titanforging removed blizzard removed it because they noticed people starting to unsub more frequently as they would hit gear plateaus before even finishing mythic since they weren’t replacing heroic gear due to forging.
Well it’s a good thing I wasn’t arguing for abilities, I don’t care about them, I play the game casually and with friends so it doesn’t matter if my covenant sucks.
I’m just sick of people acting like this is a meaningful choice in the story when there is no story for it. It’s pure gameplay and nothing else.
Sorry unless you are a set team maximizing pulls you will not have a 40% difference in damage which is what covenants are looking to be for some classes.