2 CE chars has done 20s. Am I world first level hell no will this effect me hell yes.
M+ is always easy for carry groups doesn’t mean it will be easy for the average joe.
Because classic tuning is an utter joke heck the game as a whole is a joke because of how much worse we were at video games. There are no joke more mechanics in a single raid encounter in bfa than there are in whole raid tiers in classic.
A return to meaningful choices … you mean things that have literally NEVER existed in wow. What are we returning to what you imaging the super closed alpha that was never shown to the public was lol?
Not really classic is outside of bfa the worst version of this game. There’s a reason it evolved and gained players. The only “meaningful choice” was between shamans and paladins and they fixed it the next expac because they considered it a mistake.
What specifically do you “like” about the system that wouldn’t still be there if it wasn’t a two week grind to change? Just say you want to punish min maxers so we can get it out of the way now and move you into the same pile as everyone else who is anti freedom of choice and experimentation.
2 CE chars and 20s done good enough?
I understand your point, I really do. I will also be in a position where i wish i was a different covenant for a certain activity. However, I believe it’s healthier for the game to have meaningful weaknesses. We all hate DH because they are just good at literally everything and this is the same. You will still be CE and able to do high keys no matter what covenant you choose. Some bosses and dungeons may be easier and some harder, but that is healthier gameplay than just picking whatever loadout sims highest for a certain boss.
The question no one has answered is why they want to stack loadouts. I thought we all hated having system stacked on system stacked on system like BFA?
It is IF they are things you choose and can change as needed. Making it so that you need to go back to the center hub to change would do that. Most guilds aren’t going to have people swap on farm for example and you would still need to grind the renown with each covenant for them to be usable. There is a very specific problem with the system as is, that is that once you make a choice you are locked into that choice you can’t change for M+ then go back for raids because of the two reset cooldown. This means that effectively if you play competitively you choose whatever is best for your main activity and just don’t do other stuff. It also means you don’t make choices based on aesthetic, alignment, or gameplay loop but instead on player power.
To put it another way imagine if when playing dnd your character background decided your class. If you are a noble you have to be a paladin, an orphan a thief, raised by wolves a barbarian, and a cultist a warlock. These are your only choices you don’t get to mix and match. It creates in essence a false choice and significantly hinders player customization.
They may not swap for farm, but they will 100% swap every boss for progression and that is more important than farm.
Also, your example is horrible. They arent forcing you into a covenant based on class or spec. You have full choice. Currently there is no choice for some classes, but hopefully that changes during tuning.
I honestly couldn’t care any less than I do about min/max players, they simply don’t matter in my world. What I do care about is the obnoxious complaining about it all.
How they assume that because of their 1%, that they should be catered to by having blizzard change something that is already done, that blizzard stated they will keep. It’s not our game, it’s blizzards. We can suggest, and even complain about things but it’s gotten out of hand with this. It’s pathetic even.
Stop playing it if you don’t like it that much.
Yes, it is Blizzard’s game. So I’d like to post this video of Ion, the Game Director, speaking about Azerite reforging, which can be directly applied to conduit switching.
They did something in the past, doesn’t mean they have to do it now.
They explained why Azerite Reforging was necessary not to be on a weekly cooldown PERFECTLY, yet the same logic cannot be applied to the conduits? They did it in the past, they did it for a good reason and they did the right thing. Same thing applies to the conduits, except that they’re making the mistake they tried to avoid in BFA, as explained in this video by the GAME DIRECTOR.
To be fair covenants really aren’t like any of those systems though. They aren’t RNG, they are ability based, they aren’t swappable, and they have a progression tree.
If anything they are much more similar to legion artifacts (which for some unknown reason people loved)
The system isn’t broken though. It’s questionable whether it is good or enjoyable yes. But it’s not broken.
It doesn’t make the game unplayable no matter how much you prefer. We have seen much worse restrictions in the past and WoW was fine.
I’m not sure you quite understand the true severity of objectively.
It is entirely subjective that the systen doesn’t work for how you want to play the game. Is the game playable? Entirely. That is an objective fact.
You can log onto the game, you can participate in the content, you can progress your character.
Is it optimal? Probably not. Is it fun? Subjectively.
This is probably the most accurate statement. Covenants are something that would have gone down fine in…Cata era WoW.
But today’s WoW is different.
Which style WoW is best is entirely subjective, some people like the old, some people like the new, some like difderent aspects of both.
Which entirely doesn’t work based on other interactions within the covenant and their abilities.
Conduits, soulbinds, and abilities need to be tied together. If they are to be freed they need to be freed as a whole.
Realistically they tie the covenant abilities to the soulbinds (as that is where most interactions are), and then have the covenant conduit a single conduit that changes based on your current soulbind/ability setup.
I am pro-covenant because I want a choice that contains strengths and weaknesses. I am happy that blizzard decided to not listen to the ripcord people.
So no actual reason that you think having restrictions is good k thought so.
No there really is not choice not with the “balance” the way it is. A false choice is not a choice.
Ugh. This disgusting attitude isn’t going to win you many converts or garner much good will. Pretty dismissive and rude. I actually agree that covenants should be less impactful on gameplay and more uniform. Less game breaking choices. But as I said, you will not change any minds. You simply drive the wedge deeper.
The top 1% will find a way. And they will do what they do. They probably have teams with sponsors that help defray the cost of time spent playing. They will be fine.
The people most effected are the people in the middle. The people who want to try to do stuff above their comfort zone. Or the people that need to squeeze out as much DPS/HPS as they can to help carry their more casual buddies in their more casual guilds.
I think the medium core folks have the most to lose. The vast middle ground trying to move up in the world.
Oh well. Such foul threads as this are more likely to get the other side riled, and cause Blizzard to dig in their heels.
I would absolutely agree. The absolute top will suck it up and roll multiple of the same class the people who clear CE a couple months in won’t they just won’t play content they can’t be optimal in.
With things as they stand now, removing the weekly conduit reset and allowing changes at the covenant forge where you change the pathing would be the one thing they could do to alleviate a large portion of the friction without interfering or unraveling the system. Would help the druid problem, hybrid classes, and since its the source of most of the customization, would help with the multiple content concerns.
Exactly. The covenant as a whole is that “meaningful choice” that people want to see. You pick a covenant and you get its specific story, transmog, mounts, covenant class abilities, covenant specific abilities, conduits and soulbinds. So why does there have to be more “meaningful choices” inside “meaningful choices”.
Im not a psychic, as my wife can attest to, but I feel like this freeing of the conduit reset is Blizzs “ace in the hole” as it were to pull out toward the end after they do everything else tuning wise to give that one last bit of “Yay!” to the players before the expansion drops.
They won’t. I think that portion of the player base will get shunned by the rest of us.