Can’t wait to see all the “I got denied because of my covenant” posts. And then the inevitable 9.2 patch that pulls some portion of the ripcord despite Blizz original stanc.
So why do you think Covenants will be well received?
If people like character power enough to completely change specs, if not classes, why wouldn’t they focus on character power as the primary reason of picking their covenant, but still be upset either when they like to do multiple kinds of content (i.e. Raids or PvP, M+ or Raids) or their good Covenant gets nerfed.
So why would Covenants be any different?
And in Classic, people follow the FotM even harder than they do in retail.
If I look at BWL parses, there are 1.4 million Fury Parses, 1.2 million Assassination parses, and less than 100k Shaman and Paladin DPS parses combined.
I mean cool? Covenants ain’t gunna bring that back. I’m not gunna know who Steve is just cause we’re both Necrolords, if we don’t play in the same group/friend circles.
You can do multiple kinds of content no matter which covenant you choose. Your choice of covenant will most likely help you excel in at least 1 form of content. Is it so un RPG to have to pick what you want your char to be great at instead of being great at everything at the push of a button ?
They may not be. But trying to change the way things are done in WoW to make at least one choice beside class matter is a step in the right direction IMO. I hope its a small taste of things to come.
In classic if you want to DPS you pick war and rogue. The hybrid shaman and paladin can dps yes . But should not do it as well as the TRUE DPS classes. So if your main focus for your char is DPS then the choice is clear. Is it really FOTM to pick the true DPS classes if what you want your char to excel at is DPS ?
Maybe not. But I still feel that it’s a step in the right direction. You may get to know who Steve is if he’s a Necrolord rogue and you want to do some group PvP.
Today I want to do some arena . Wonder if Steve will be on ?
I’m still hopeful that covenants are just a starting point to making some sort of choice in WoW matter for more then just 30 sec between fights.
It’s very un WoW
This is accomplished with your friends list now. Otherwise it’s not like there’s any more reason you’d know Steve unless you’re just memorizing people you see in necroland
So then the real opinion if the pro #pulltheripcord folks is that WoW is not allowed to change ? It’s not allowed to evolve ?
It’s as good an argument as “more RPG.”
But I don’t think that’s the only or even the core argument either.
It’s all spite.
I know what evolution is and this ain’t it.
But why is that a better system than now, when I can excel in all forms of content? It might take extra grinding to get the appropriate Azerite Gear, Corruptions and Essences to be good at everything, but I still have that option.
The game doesn’t just go “No, you picked Destruction for Raiding. You’re not allowed to be good at other content”.
We already have that. It’s called classes.
No matter how good of a Warlock, or Hunter, or Mage you are, you can never Tank or Heal. No matter how good a Warrior you are, you’ll never have the option to be ranged DPS.
WoW isn’t a single-player game, and systems that can work in SP (or tabletop) games don’t work in an MMO, especially not when they’re as poorly executed as Covenants are.
Nah, it’s gunna blow up in Blizzards face and they’re gunna revert it.
Which is stupid. “Sucks if you enjoy Shaman or Paladin DPS, you’ll never be anything more than a tank or healer” is a garbage system that doesn’t work in the current version of WoW.
Why would Covenants need to do this when I already have my friends list and guild?
It all reminds me of Classic where everyone picked Horde because Shamans were objectively better than Paladins. Players were outraged of being forced to choose a faction that they couldn’t swap from between raids and PvP.
You have to accept not being optimal every time, and be able to make the most out of the situations where you are not. For me the balance between covenants comes from the % of time you are relevant, not dps maths. If a covenant is 80% of the time more relevant, it doesn’t work. Like maybe a boss has intense mechanics that the Venthyr or Night Fae mobility are better, but another just does AoE that makes the Kyrian or Maldraxxus better options to survive. If you don’t have the mobility, you just need to be tighter in your movement to avoid the mechanics, for example, than those with it. But then if you do get caught you have a shield that helps to mitigate it.
I’m not saying abilities are all balanced at the moment, but they don’t need to be mathematically equal if they bring different utility pieces (maybe X covenant shines in AoE, and Y in ST)
I’m getting really annoyed by these “ I don’t like this I’m going to cry about it!!” Posts. God forbid for once in this game what you decide to do affects your gameplay. You can’t be the best at everything!!! Thank god blizzard is finally starting to realize this a making people choose what they what to excell in. Next they need to take away dps self heals
A lot of the people I see crying about covenants are people who dont actually do any content where it matters, but then they complain about optimization.
Like honestly, you cant pretend covenant choice is the reason you cant finish a normal raid or do higher than a 4 key.
Stop clicking on them maybe?
Hard when it’s every other post on GD.
The only parallel is that its another system. The people trying to compare the previous systems don’t go deeper than that because of the objective fact that Covenants have none of the flaws of the previous systems.
I find it more sickening that players want the game adapted to them than the other way around. If you don’t like the game’s direction, stop playing it until the course is corrected.
Its working as intended, not as you expected.
I actually know jack all about covenant since i dont have beta but would not play it even if i did. I will look at the retail release play it and gives feed back on it then. If i dont oike it i wont play it. If can tolerate it like azerite grind then i will play.
You can’t spite what you don’t care about.
I find this a rather strange response. There’s plenty on feedback on the beta forums from people who are actually playing the system out. If reading isn’t your jam then there are plenty of videos.
If you do wish to look over videos then I recommend Preach’s discussion with Ion himself. They go back and forth a lot on this subject.
One point that struck me in the talk was how Blizz promised Azerite traits would be balanced in a way we wouldn’t need to chase specific ones. That is, no wrong answer… It’s the end of the xpac and we’re still chasing the best traits. Much like we chased the best legion legionaries and it was frustrating until we got vendor added. the RNG corruption was also frustrating because we had to hope your drop had the right corruptions, it was also frustration until we got a vendor added.
In all these systems they promised for us no wrong answers. They promised balance. Just mentioning legion legends it wasn’t just a matter of 5% difference in many classes the wrong drop could mean as much as 30%.
Now they are trying to sell us a feature with the claim “Choose a covenant you can identify with, there is no wrong answer.” Considering each covenant is granting you one class ability, could you imagine how hard it would be to balance one ability around 4 unique roles (in regards to druid)? There are so many layers to this system, conduits, soulbinds, class abilities, there is no way we won’t have another situation where what’s BiS for one spec is also good for another.
This may be an alt-friendly expansion but it certainly isn’t an off-spec friendly one.
I am neither pro nor against covenants. I don’t care about covenants. I like seeing Blizzard stick to their guns, mainly because I love seeing people who take a videogame too seriously flip out and waste their time making large detailed posts. LOL
I don’t get it.
Mythic +15 is apparently so easy now that multiple carry groups are spamming trade chat at all hours of the day, offering to carry someone that is literally useless.
But having the wrong covenant will get you denied from groups all expansion?