If you are pro-covenant, read this

No you didn’t. You just said “I wouldn’t like it as much” but didn’t tell me why, didn’t tell me how it would negatively affect you.

But it is. You can be a Warlock and only a Warlock. You can’t suddenly start busting out Greater Pyros because Warlocks are behind Mages in X content.

See I can respect that.

That’s how it would negatively affect me. I wouldn’t enjoy it as much. You didn’t ask for a five-point essay on why I like the Covenant system as proposed.

And we’re not asking for mage covenant abilities for warlocks. Covenants act more like talents than classes.

So in no real way at all. Feel free to reply to me but I won’t respond to any more nonsense.

But they’re not talents.

For all intents and purposes yes they are.

False Equivalence Logical Fallacy detected!

I’m sure some of your other troll compatriots are getting lonely under that bridge you all like to hang out under.

I’m not writing you an essay, hun. If you wanted that you should have asked for it to begin with instead of shifting the goalposts so your question can never be satisfactorily answered.

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For your purposes, maybe.

But they’re not talents. Developers already told us that.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…

Seven weeks is plenty of time for Blizzard to pull the rip cord that Ion already said they’ve developed. Instead of arguing against people, why don’t you stand for something you believe in? I believe in player choice, freedom, and fun. What do you believe in?

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They’re tied to one another, buff a Mastery conduit and mages will love it while Warlocks that picked that same covenant will have no use for it.


If it walks like a dog, barks like a dog… could still be a wolf, fox, coyote, wild dog, hyena, bear.

Prove it…

Ah there’s the deflecting.

I hope in the end they do back off on locking them, I think it would matter to more people that they can switch then would piss off people who don’t want it.

But until that day, i’m just going to salt my fries.

I think you’re absolutely correct.