If you are pro-covenant, read this

Don’t over-exaggerate.

Covenants don’t need to be balanced? Soulbind trees don’t need to be balanced?
Balance passes take resources away from devs working on content. They only have a finite amount of time and resources to work on the game.

My comment was comparing the issues of adjusting and fixing systems in one expansion took time out of the day for the devs to work on content for the game, and how SL will be more of the same. Based on almost every response I’ve seen coming from you I understand how this might be hard to discern since you’re the type of player Blizzard had to remove PvP vendors for. I made the same offer to Grymes and Lethal, if you need someone to hold your hand and take you there I’m more than willing :smiley:

I don’t have to try when the real majority of players see the writing on the wall that we’re heading towards another mess of constant tweaking and balancing of the covenant system.

It’s not, the only thread type that gets more forum space than covenants is anti-multibox threads lol.

Not really that much different than deciding to roll a Warlock at the character select screen.

Helfer threads are plenty too but I mute them. It takes longer to come into a thread and complain about it.

I like to watch the threads implode. It’s like rubber necking a car wreck.

I really wish people would stop with this disingenuous and blatantly false statement.

I wouldn’t like it as much.

You’ve haven’t been around for fifteen years if ‘muh balance’ matters.

No, I’m the player that would actually go to the Silvermoon Refuge and Hillsbrad to get to the PvP Vendors. You are the player that wants the PvP vendors to spawn wherever your hearthstone is set to.

Oooh, the real majority. We need balance this year!

In other words, it wouldn’t affect you in the slightest.

It’s not disingenuous, or false.

The most important choice you make in this game as to whether you get into a pug group or not is the class you choose to play, the next is the spec.

It affects my enjoyment of the game.

Except it’s completely 100% irrefutably different. Choosing to be a warlock affects every single aspect of the entire game for me. It’s a choice I made that has actual meaning. I also have multiple specs, talents, and gear options I can freely swap at any time. Comparing class choice to Covenants is not a logical argument.

But in no real way though.

Well why didn’t you say so? Samtaya wouldn’t “like it as much”. I think this just completely oblitered the #PullTheRipcord crowd and every argument they’ve ever made. End of discussion.


But it’s a fun argument.

And we’re like… 7 weeks out, they’re not going to change it so it’s fun to argue against people.

I see a lot of “Covenants aren’t like azerite gear” comments, so let’s address it differently.

What Covenants ARE like, are Legion Artifacts. Not legendaries. Artifacts.

An Artifact gave you one active ability, and a tree of passives and unlocks for that artifact. A Covenant gives you an active and passive ability and a conduit system that further augments them.

That is a very similar comparison, no?

Right then. How would Legion have fared if you were only permitted ONE Artifact weapon. Sorry Paladins, if you want Ashbringer you need to play dps for the rest of the expansion. Sure, you could use those rare weapon drops from various bosses, but not having Truthguard would be a clear disadvantage to you.

Now lets further draw out this comparison, because I can already hear people saying “Well those are spec weapons.”

Let’s just assume for a second that every Legion artifact had a spec specific version of itself.

Would you be happy with a Legion system where you picked ONE artifact for the expansion, and never had access to the other artifacts? Never getting to use those abilities?

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So you just like to be a contrarian. At least you’re honest.

I guess you’re free to keep shifting the goal posts if you want. I answered your question, though.

I did. I answered his question.

I don’t really care what they do, I’m not switching my covenant regardless.

Whichever ability is the most fun is the one I’m picking, perks of being in a guild vs having to pug.