If you are pro-covenant, read this


Not only healthy but a great addition to the game.

That is why the parallels I make are classes, specs, professions, races and factions.

Azerite was a boring bunch of passives that people obsessed over like crazy. Most of the criticism made against them was completely nonsensical. After a bunch of small changes that didn’t addressed the problems people just kinda forgot about it to complain about something else.

Essences were awesome from the start and remain awesome to this day.

Corruptions were just a weirdly overpowered system that remains a huge problem to this day.

Legion legendaries introduced a huge amount of RNG into the game on the first weeks that kinda fixed itself as people got more legendaries to choose from. When the legendary vendor was added most players that care about it already had a good number of them.

It is indeed very weird. The reason I pay money to play this game is because I really enjoy it. It is odd to me the idea of paying to play a game I don’t like. I think you like the game, otherwise you would not play to play it, or even spend any time on it, so I don’t know what you are talking about.

I don’t think so. There is no reason to release bad systems for a game. Bad systems makes you lose players. They are releasing the system because they think is a good one, and I agree with them.

So just like everything they make.

Hazel, Taliesin and Evetel, Soul Breazy. But I don’t think this is a good metric.

wrong, videogame taste is inherently subjective and it will never cease to be.

Oh so the fact that they are balancing the system while it is on beta is now proof that you are right… got it…

Really, how so?

But you just described the ripcord.

No because the system would now be extremely boring.

I don’t think that that is how a company that wants to make money thinks.

Yeah it is probably very hard to know what is wrong with the system, specially when almost all the criticism of it is completely incoherent. The so wise top players seem to be completely unable to form a coherent argument against the system, I wonder if that has to do with the fact that they play on a level that the game was not designed to handle. The MMO RPG genre completely breaks down when you race for world first, it becomes one of the most unsavory full time jobs there are, and these players will always complain when something that is good for the game makes their life even more miserable.

I’m sure you will interpret it that way when some random change happens to it.

We do

I’m completely on board


Its a shame to hear that, because for me, covenants make the game goes from a 9/10 to a 10/10.

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Pot calling the Kettle black.

Locking Covenants promotes pros and cons. Unlocking Covenants only promotes cons.

I’m not surprised, since you’re used to having everything given to you.

Again like I told the poster above me, this sounds like a player problem if you let people dictate how you play.

Because excluding people who have the “wrong” covenant won’t happen at all…

So just to be clear, your answer to “how will swappable covenants affect you” is you’ll be forced to switch? Am I reading this correctly?

Sounds like a player problem if you dictate to the game how to play your character.

Where am I dictating to anyone how to play? What I want is player freedom and choice.

No, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Do me a favor and keep to the topic and don’t resort to petty insults. Are you capable of doing that?

Where am I dictating anything?

Nobody can force you to change. Literally, it’s impossible if you don’t want to.

If so many people want to stick with one, there will be no problem finding others to group with.

You’re literally telling people that Covenants promote player freedom when it only promotes trend chasing.

It’s a petty insult when I do it, but sage objection when you do it. Good to know.

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Where are all these armed bullies forcing people to swap gonna come from? All it takes is the pro-locked folks being willing to say “no” and to group with each other to avoid this entire issue.

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Perfectly said.

I’ve always felt that allowing players to freely switch made the game more interesting than going to a website to tell me which covenant to choose as soon as I hit max level and then “setting and forgetting” it. The restrictions make the “choice” and system very dull and boring.

I’d rather think, plan, and strategize while making my choices from content to content.

I wouldn’t say your point is “illogical” but at the same time I don’t understand how a “set it and forget it” style ends up being more “interesting”.

I normally disagree with just about every one of your stances on aspects of the game - but apparently this is the ONE thing we actually agree on.

It doesn’t. RP fanatics don’t get impacted the slightest because they’ll still stay loyal to their first choice.

Agreed. My choices from content to content are very meaningful to the success of my groups. Freely swappable covenants accomplish this.

Not true - people think this happens today, but there are lots of players that just pick their talents, essences, etc. once and they’re done.

The people that change to be optimal don’t do it because they’re “EXPECTED”, they do it because the WANT to do it.

Not true. You have to “level” each covenant separately. Worst case, if players don’t want to swap they can just say that they didn’t level any other covenant - which if they value “RP” and stayed loyal, they didn’t. No one is going to want others to swap things to something completely unleveled. An inferior covenant will be a LOT better leveled up than a superior covenant that has no progress made.

Once again I see people seeing covenants as some equalizing silver bullet that’ll get them into PUGs. Wishful thinking.

No one is forcing you to do anything. It would only be an OPTION for people that wanted to…

Here’s the scenario and two options… you’re Kyrian. You apply to a group and they say they don’t want Kyrian.

Option 1 - Without easy Covenant switching you get declined. Simple.

Option 2 - With easy Covenant switching you have the option to go switch if you really want to join this group. If you don’t want to switch, you don’t have to and you get declined.

See… given both options a player like yourself would get declined from that group because you don’t want to swap Covenants. However, someone else who doesn’t mind switching on-the-fly would be accepted.

You’re literally advocating to restrict the options of other players based on your personal preferences. Not for any good or demonstrable reason.


Because there are inherent flaws to the power you choose. Taking away those flaws to make content easier and making your character more flexible on top of what’s already there completely obliterates risk and reward.

Well, I did lay them out. It is a grouping issue, and not letting people dictate how you play doesn’t make it any less of an issue. I told you exactly what the other side is trying to avoid, and you completely ignored it.

I am on your side, but being purposely obtuse doesn’t help your arguement. Choosing to not see the other side’s problems doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

We are on the same side, but I think you’ll be going on the ignore list.

The restrictions promote trend chasing.

Players will end up feeling like they have to pick “correctly” even MORE than they do now because of the restrictions and will do what Limit/Echo/WoWHead/Icy-veins tells them to do.

If the system was flexible, players would be able to test and experiment in end-game content on their own as they continue to earn their power/conduits/soulbinds - which breaks through “meta/trends”.


The Role-Players have already solved that problem. They just pick once and stay loyal.

They get the “interesting” aspect you talk about and they also don’t want to push the restrictions onto others because they can attain the benefits through their own free-will.

That would be true if you could never swap Covenants. Advocating for Pugs and not Guilds will further exacerbate the need for complete flexibility at all times.

It happens with Rio, and it will happen with abilities. If you don’t think that player advertising for his +13 is going to be selective of the people applying, or the +15 someone is applying to, with that DPS that chose defense for PvP, then I don’t think you’ve thought it through. Along with playing the way YOU want, others get to play how THEY want, and most don’t like to “waste time.” In a video game of all things.

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It does promote freedom of choice. It encourages experimentation with different abilities.

Oh no, you claim I’m used to “everything given to me” with nothing to base that on.

Because it’s a non issue. Either people “feel forced to swap” or they’ll just get outright declined.

The role-players won’t ever swap covenants. So it CAN still be true if covenants are freely swappable.

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