If Xaryu quits, I quit too

How do you figure it’s because of content creators?

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The news just keeps getting better, loving these pvp changes more by the day

More time goes, more better this changes get.
Even pikaboo said yesterday that this changes are for a greater good.

Back in my day, if you wanted to make money for playing a game, you’d have to win something with a prize pool involved. I couldn’t care less about streamers. All they do is take advantage of people’s time. If they want money, they should have to go earn it by winning a tournament.


They are not. They are just vital to the companies bottom line. Free advertising.

Might be good for the company to actually start performing instead of releying on 3rd parties to do all the lifting. Game is rotten.

I am willing to pay more for a product that is actually authentic

thats so creepy you know he doesn’t know who you are right


They aren’t. Some of the informative ones deserve to be appreciated, but this is supposed to be a hobby, not a profession. You should make content because you are inspired to do so and because it’s part of the overall way you enjoy engaging with the game, or don’t because you aren’t and it isn’t.

The vast majority of modern content creators are nothing but leeches trying to game (and who are contributing to) the highly toxic search algorithms. They are nothing like the actual content creators, from the original run of the game, who wove a web of meta entertainment surrounding the game through their passion projects like Illegal Danish and so many others.

Gaming does not need “content creators”.

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If Xar tells you to jump off a bridge, will you do it? Let’s be real tho. He and you ain’t quitting.

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I quit PvP long ago.
Been so much happier since too.

They figure it because they don’t understand that successful games cause large quantities of content to be generated about the game, rather than generated content causing the game to be successful.

That poster sees homeless people outside of heavily trafficked gas stations and concludes that being a successful gas station is contingent upon getting your homeless encampment set up properly.

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he’s just trolling. the other day he made a thread about how streamers are too sensitive. he’s pretending to be for streamers and being annoying while doing to gather support against streamers and streaming in general.

its a weird type of trolling but thats what he’'s doing.

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Your favorite streamer Xaryu IS NOT QUITTING. Rejoice.

Oh no a guy who has a nice big house and got lots of money from playing video games online and pushing sh!t brands onto strangers is making slightly less money because they failed to adapt and diversify before this came to a head…

Oh no!

Okay, bye. See you next week.

He’s taken CR from me doing viewer 2’s before. That was negative for me.


People have been making hobbies professions for years, don’t act like streamers are the first to do it.

We can’t really peer inside the mind of Xaryu so not sure how we know if he is inspired or how he would even prove that he was inspired. Seems like you just don’t want to like Xaryu or streamers like him.

Opinions are opinions, doubt I can change your mind as it seems pretty set in stone (along with most of the other arena WoW forum users).

Seems like you’re just saying “back in my day we had the REAL men, going out and fighting and doing what they believe in”, if you just changed a few key words you would sound just like a grandpa.

Does it NEED content creators? No, but it does help quite a lot.

Skill issue :sunglasses:

Agreed. He’s too scared to queue at his real MMR.


Changes are good on a fundamental level, and a design level.
No changes just results in stagnation. We’ve had more changes this expansion than the last couple combined.

Disarms were probably overlooked and should get a second duration reduction, other than that I’m quite looking forward to the new patch.

Good. His kind ruined PvP(and PVE) for 15 years. PvP shouldn’t be an esport and MMO’s are not something you should try to be “pro” at.

Making this a better game for casuals has increased Blizzard revenue and made this a better game. Catering to tryhards was killing the game and Blizzards revenue.