If Xaryu quits, I quit too

who’s Xaryu and most importantly who asked you??? sheesh some players on these forums smh my head :rage: :rage: :rage:

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How does it feel to type all that and be wrong with every part?

Yes we do. I want them to happen. CC is outta control. And I dont care what a streamer says or thinks. Let him get a real world jorb if he cant make enough streaming WOW.

Hopefully one day the devs will wake up and stop taking streamers serious. They do not care about the game. They only care about their hits n clicks and income.

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I could not have said it better!

Still waiting for an answer on this one

streamer said changes are bad, therefore i say changes are bad. baa baa

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People see other people they enjoy having fun playing a game makes them want to play it. Just go look at a popular WoW videos and people in the comments are like “man this makes me really want to play WoW again”. If you think that watching someone else do something they find fun doesn’t at least make you want to try it then idk we are just too different to agree on this, people see fun and also want to have fun.

I said that very thing for slands and legion both, but I didn’t actually do it.

Eldon ring is still popular because elden ring is a good game, simple as that has nothing to do with content creators

Ok well agree to disagree, neither of us will change our mind.

The real “Content Creators” are the ones that used to make those role playing videos with wow and create a story line with it or report news on the game or something along those lines. Those people actually create content - people that stream themselves playing wow aren’t creating any content and thus shouldn’t be called content creators.

My wife watches this one chick play the sims. While she’s playing the game, she actually creates content by making up stories on her characters in the game and tells an actual story through her characters.


So you plan to quit because one steamer quits? Way to be a sheep and have no identity of your own lol.


30k a month is pretty low for streamers though.

I was watching him kill players with no hard ccs just pressing ice lance and glacial spike playing lock mage no crazy cc chain setups like we saw in shadowlands just dps, the current direction of DF pvp has been disappointing for those that actually care of the depth of wow pvp and it’s really not surprising to me how it has less participation either everything is instant cast damage and instant cast ccs which some classes got more instant cc that was not really necessary. the 15% reduction since release and the changes to casted ccs pretty much tell players that its not worth going for when u can just replace those cast times/globals with instant damage globals that cant be kicked and play till oom/dampening. whats the point of wasting damage globals on the cast time on a re sheep or dr sheep if 1 its just healing the players and 2 it only gonna last 3 seconds and can break to one of the many aoe damage effects in the game or get dispelled or u just get kicked on arcane. u are better off just smashing ice lance and praying to the gods your team comp was designed to last longer than theirs. and thats not even getting into the kick/precog thing so players can free up a whole pvp talent AND get precog AND even if you do kick them your kick lasts less time than the precog effect would gain?? so weird. im losing faith in this game quickly!

I watched one streamer once brag about his gaming house, like an episode of cribs lol. Bought a house and set it up just for streaming and gaming with dozens of friends. They do live on hard times, we should have more sympathy for them.

Had to google who Xaryu was. So let me get this straight…you are going to stop playing wow because a grown man is going to stop streaming wow to little kids?

What he’s gonna do? final fantasy arena? :smirk:

wrong, new changes are good. game needs to be less like this and more like bfa/legion

they are, that’s where all the 10.1 changes comes from, good changes for the game, the only part of it that is extremally wrong is that rogues are gonna be the only class keeping an absurd amount of CC

he defended and advocated for degenerate and very imbalanced gameplay desgins like gpi and RMX in bfa. dudes a biased fotm mage player (according to his own words) him being gone would be great for this game

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Little kids arent playing wow. All the people that started playing wow as kids are playing wow still and they never grew up. Well, i guess little kids do watch him.