Xaryu mentioned in yesterday’s stream how he’s getting less and less views for WoW and in general how low his monthly salary has become being a pro WoW player due to the PvP scene declining.
He said he’s moving to other games soon and if he does that I will quit with him as will MANY others.
Blizzard needs to start listening to the community and revert 10.1 changes, NO ONE WANTS THESE CHANGES TO GO THROUGH!
This is what happens when your revenue stream comes from one source. It is a bad business plan and every game specific streamer will face this obstacle sooner or later.
If he does mainly solo shuffle then yes his views will go down since most pvp streamers I watch that are dps are always in open world doing nothing while waiting 30mins for queue to pop. I can’t be bothered watching them do nothing, they can easily find people on their friends list to play normal 2v2 or 3v3 with but they don’t want to.
I mainly watch healer streamers now, since they get instant queues and you know you get to watch actual arena pvp.
I want them to go through. But I guess you and Xaryu speak for “everyone” right?
I see a pretty even 50-50 split from the community. Some like it and some hate, but PvP currently doesn’t feel good either way. Something needs to change and I’m opening to trying anything rather then leaving the game in it’s current state any longer.