If Xaryu quits, I quit too

If a streamer quits, I’ll celebrate.


Stop the press!

Also, why does him quitting affect your love of the game? Just a little weird. It’s like if your favorite athlete quits, you then stop playing that sport.


Lead singer ZAC says he is leaving the Boyband, zomg! How will fans react, will life every be the same again haha! News at 11, no one gives a… lol

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oh no! -500 subs :C

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Good riddance

Man I just go out into the world and wpvp at random ffa areas or the tier place while I wait in queues and it definitely helps with waiting.


There is nothing Xaryu can say or do to make the PvP community grow. It’s been bludgeoned over the years from the group finder being extremely toxic and has gotten new life because of solo shuffle. But now there aren’t any healers so people are leaving again and I don’t blame them

The amount of hate that people have for people doing what they love is crazy, stop being salty that they achieved what they wanted to.

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I’m not hating, but nor will I feel sorry for Xaryu if he can’t completely support himself by playing WoW.


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Yea its the same dude trollposting and r0leplaying as a streamers best buddie


No one telling you to support him, but your first reaction to him no longer being able (allegedly I didn’t watch whatever the op is talking about, so idk if he actually isn’t making enough money to pay bills or w/e) to do what he loves as a job was to mock him.

Yeah, because “doing what he loves” is playing video games. He’s not an artist or an activist. He’s a WoW player.

I think it’s great that he can play WoW for a living, but it’s not like that was ever going to be sustainable career path.

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It’s not a real job. Nobody is out here helping me increase my salary. He’s an adult. He can figure out his own life.


Fingers crossed!

so you play this game just for him?

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When his presence has been a negative impact to the game that we all love, yeah I’d celebrate too.

Majority of these streamers give extremely biased takes on various things and then fanboys treat it like sacrosanct making it reality because too many can’t make their own opinions


Your parents failed you


How has his impact been negative? You act like content creators aren’t a vital part of the gaming community now.

Are there fan boys? Yea. But you are taking the extreme of his ~1k viewers and looking at like 20 idiots that do that. The other 980 people are just chilling watching a guy they like have fun and play some games.

Games existed before them it’ll exist after them (for the better).

I truly believe while there are some cool streamers probably, the whole of streaming has been a net negative.

Biased takes that people feed on and then changes are made because people lemming after the opinion.
Tier lists and what’s meta and not, are just a couple of examples


I highly doubt it, just look at Elden Ring for example and how many people still engage with it because of content creators.