This would cause more problems than its worth, combined with how it would have zero impact on housing.
This would specifically hurt the “casual” players and “casual” guilds the most.
This would cause more problems than its worth, combined with how it would have zero impact on housing.
This would specifically hurt the “casual” players and “casual” guilds the most.
They’re not gonna give us anything new, especially when the game is in it’s sunset years. MAUs are down, I don’t see them putting more money into WoW.
They’re just gonna pump out the usual “same as it ever was” content with the Blizzard stamp of approval on it, so people will buy.
It’s tired and stale.
Dragonriding is the only new thing they have added, that is worthy of sticking.
They are just too slow to implement it into other parts of the world.
Idk about you guys, but I’m not hyped to wait until Fall/Winter to receive the next patch.
Barely logging in at all, pretty much feels like anything I do in WoW is just a waste of time.
Any good game is a waste of time, but you’re always thinking about playing it more instead of just staring at it.
They’re already making it relevant by incorporating time walking raids.
Ok now I am just confused.
Then one of the other many games with housing, ig.
All the energy spent on the forums asking for it could be spent in a game that already has it. That’s what I do.
i dont see how. its optional content in an old raid that you outlevel. just making it useful again. you arent getting player housing.
So lets say you have a casual guild that only raids 2 nights a week.
They now have to decide each week which members of their raid they will screw over by not doing the raid that gives them the chance at the correct gear drops.
It was already a gamble, arguably one that didn’t pay off. People left anyway.
Same deal with profession rework system.
Doubt they’ll do it again.
you dont get it and i dont care enough to explain. bye
sure you vote w/ your wallet. Just stop paying and playing until they give you what they want. I mean you’re already half way there
Answer: You skip the raid, and play a game with housing in it.
10/10 times when a person says this, they just dont want to admit they are wrong.
Or else you would just explain.
the raid is out of date. adding alternative content to old raids to keep them viable. get it now?
there is no decision to make when it comes to raid night because this raid is now obsolete when it comes to actual raiding. should i explain more? do you have more passive aggressive comments to make you feel like you “got me”?
jesus. go to bed.
The goal is to get player housing in WoW.
The quote from Ion is, as far I am concerned, a put off. He brings up a supposed issue that he knows will get the raiders all excited as an excuse not to do it.
If they are telling us that it is so hard to create player housing in this age of technology and programming when so many other games managed to do it, I’m not sure what that says about their company.
And given that they have in the past told us about many, many things that were coming in the game that they never followed through on, my ability to believe such statements is fading with time. I believe Ion speaks with deliberate intent, and the intent with the whole ‘lose a raid tier’ thing was to shift the dialogue away from support and into ‘no way in hell’ from the players. He could just have easily have said that they will consider it if they are able to work out all the details. He would rather give us cheap mini-zones with repetitive and easily generated makework in this ongoing fairy-floss content style while he thinks that things like the T3 mog Naxxramus debarcle is a good idea.
Your entire statement was talking about making the raid viable to run longer…no?
That means its not “out of date”.
If its ran for longer than 1 or 2 patches, you have overlapping raids, and multiple raids that can be run for viable gear.
Meaning…decisions have to be made.
I don’t know who “we” is but I’d like to opt myself out of that category please.
You wouldn’t be excited about your raids
Dh needing antorus?
evoker needing bwl?
Fire mage needing tot?
Frost mage needing soo?
Blood dk needing vault?
think of how much fun one person in your raid group gets to have each night!!!
No thanks you can play little dolly dress up in other games.
says someone who very likely has several characters with full purposely designed transmog.