If we want player housing instead of another raid

How do we make that happen?

Is there someone we can talk to or start some kind of vote for it?


“We” dont…that is all


Probably not.

I doubt blizzard is ever going to be stupid enough to directly let the playerbase as a whole believe that they’re important enough to dictate future features.


The community wouldn’t be willing to lose a raid tier for something most wouldn’t participate in. I know I’d be pretty upset if Blizz announced they were scrapping the raid for player housing, and upset is the nice way of saying it.


Yeah I don’t raid (much) and I’d be upset to lose a raid tier to something as dumb as player housing.


idk, I would trade a few raids for player housing.
Sounds like a good trade to me.

I only play LFR so raids are mostly irrelevant to me anyway.
I’d have much more fun crafting/collecting home décor than I would sidestepping the next iteration of “bad puddle of stuff”.


we don’t want that


Most would participate, but to what extent… I know I would get bored with it after week one

Okay i’m here… I decorated… Neat.



I’m curious to see the larger community wants.

This community is typically very opposed to just about anything that is not another Raid or (nowadays) another Mythic+ dungeon.

was the case all the way back in vanilla/tbc/wotlk, holds true now.

Raid, Mythic+, or die. and as I understand it, those same types of players are now in charge of the game’s development. I could be wrong though.

It’s just how the game is designed, and most of the players who care about anything otherwise have likely left for other games at this point.


How about we combined the two… we put in for a home loan… But the evil loan officer has to be defeated to be convinced to give it to us… which i guess means were robbing him.

the raid is really a heist… Goblin bank.


The raiders that don’t want player housing can stay in the mega-apartment complex in the city so they can be close to work.


I’m pretty sure raiders aren’t against it because they just think extra stuff is stupid… You just don’t want to give up what’s fun for something that is less fun… Or fun for 5 days


Despite the fact that a lot of people would love player housing, I suspect that any public vote on it would be guaranteed to fail. This is because any public pole would by definition attract the more vocal minority over the silent majority that don’t even know the wow forum exists in the first place. This is especially true if you present the pole question as a choice between those 2 options.


Blizzard is thinking about player housing and they talk about it often, but they’re being very cautious because of how Garrisons turned out.


At this point, I don’t care anymore…

Here, have some bricks.

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Ok, how about refactoring old raids , calling them M++ raids and run them just like M+ dungeons? Lot’s of people seem to be happy with those. Give it the same lax loot rules and I’m sure they would love it.

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:brick: :brick:
:red_car: :house_with_garden:

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The ironic part is that they absolutely do.

Do you think they’d be making raid if it didnt make them the most money?


Its funny because as WoW has aged, its given more and more and more options for things to do.


Well we won’t know that until we see the vote.