If we can't leave M+, end the dungeon when timer ends

I don’t think OP even wants to have a conversation because this is just unironically hyperbolic.

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It’s called I want to play the game and not have to worry about it. This is a GAME. It should be FUN. It shouldn’t be stressful. It should have VERY clear and easy rules and guidelines that are clear and easy to understand that doing X is punishable, and as long as you don’t do X you’re safe.

This game has changed a LOT since I started back in Wrath, not for the better. More and more you have to walk on eggshells around here.

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Then play the game and literally stop worrying about it.

Were you suspended?

If no. Keep doing what you have been doing.

Literally as simple as that. You are fishing for validation to support your irrational anxiety. Bordering dependent personallty at this point.


I’m sure it sounds nice when defending blizz encouraging degen gameplay, but this talking piece is moot and voided by banning people for leaving keys.

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I, as one of the people, do not care about my time.

this is a rebuttal of the line below. Great question - Glad I could answer.

There’s no reasoning with them, because they didn’t come here for a conversation.

  1. no one was banned
  2. it wasn’t for leaving keys

You are ignoring a huge piece of context where intent and frequency of leaving was mentioned numerous times.

People get behavioural warnings for telling others how to improve their play…

Absolute nonsense.

it has happened before.

Yeah which is why I just don’t talk lol. I used to back in the day. But now I just see leaving as the peaceful solution where I can’t get in trouble for saying the wrong thing

You seem to have a habit of leaving out context. No they don’t. They get warnings for how they go about doing it.

No it has not.

If you cant tell the difference between
“Hey Rogue, could you kick a little more often?”
“Jesus Christ Rogue you’re an idiot.” (with some choice words that the forums wont allow)
Then that’s on you.


If someone claims this hurt their feelings and they report you, it doesn’t matter.


Yes it does because 1 report doesn’t do anything.

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all reports go in front of the council of 9 GMs who after careful deliberation, allocate appropriate resolution.

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That’s a good question, but sometimes you don’t say those because if all of the above is true, you’re probably not timing a key, and further, you’re probably not going to get their dps to increase no matter how willing they are to listen to feedback and how cogent your feedback is.

If you’re already in the combat zone, it’s a bit late to make sure everyone brought ammo.

Now, as other’s have mentioned, suggesting or kindly asking for help on kicks and general utility is something I feel that can turn around in a short period of time, largely because some folks may assume the tank has the kicks, or, someone else does. And then also reinforcing when they’re rocking the utiltiy (e.g., “damn good kicks, ty”) can go a long way make folks feel comfortable and maybe speak up themselves.

We all have certain expectations for the dungeon, sometimes they’re aligned, sometimes they’re not. Staying silent ensures we may never know someone else’s expectation. (We don’t need the 12-volume set on how to change a lightbulb but a “hey, i don’t think we have the dps for this, you guys good to complete or wanna call it?” is acceptable to determine expectations)

How do you know this for certain?


Maybe you didn’t hear the news, but players have been banned by blizz because they were reported for leaving carry groups.

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why are you reporting people for leaving your bad groups at all?
Sounds like an abuse of the report system.

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I heard it, there is more to it than leaving groups, because leaving groups has been a thing for quite some time. I still don’t know how one can equate that news with what Xy wrote.

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