If this is the kind of storytelling 10.2 give us then I'm not hyped

and I’d even throw in 1 alliance skull so it be a true 1 for 1. Everyone gets a skull.

Jaina has quite the “fan base” with 2 horde members. I roll blood elves too. We remember things. then she picked a fight with the z trolls.

Alliance gets Sylvanas’ head, horde gets Jaina’s. Now, we are even.

lets find new stuff to hate on after. Or we move on with all major debts settled.

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Why? Slyvanas was the one who decided to commit genocide, Lillian didn’t do it.

If you look at Lillian’s and Shandris’s stories, they both dealt with horrible upbringings. Shandris dealt with the legion and Lillian with the scourge.

If this is a step towards cross faction BGs i’m hyped.

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Doesn’t change the fact that this is a departure from who the forsaken are, they are cruel and ruthless pragmatists with hostility and resentment towards the living. At best they should be neutral opportunists looking to benefit themselves in some way. They are not altruistic.


Hello, I see you posted a thread about Hugcraft. Friendship is magic! UwU, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

I’d have no issues killing van in AV as alliance for a change. Some seeking lore? van is a dreadlord. Dev approved lore right there, see SL. Things are either dreadlords, robots, or dreadlords pretending to be robots.

If we’re being technical in the sense of fighting shoulder to shoulder with the opposing faction, ok, but to me there isn’t much difference between that and the factions “setting aside their differences” for the time being to focus on the bigger threat. Which does happen all the time.

Look at MoP compared to DF and you’ll see a lot parallels with slight differences. The main one being that on MoP we started out with a heated conflict that went nowhere while the new neutral faction tried to get us to work together and stop fighting, which we eventually did. In DF we are just told straight up from the start that our conflict won’t be tolerated on the isles and we need to work together.

Only difference is blizzard cut out the unnecessary faction conflict that never goes anywhere anyway because it can’t.

Exactly, they don’t have to be so outright evil they’re causing wars (total black and white evil is boring anyway) but they were always morally questionable. Ruthless. A faction that made everyone else a bit uncomfortable.

They shouldn’t just be friendly alliance humans with zombie makeup. They shouldn’t have a princess who clutches pearls at killing enemies and they definitely shouldn’t care about the Night Elves’ world tree unless there’s something in it for them.


There’s a difference between teaming up against a common enemy and being friends.

Such a terrible argument lol

Actually both are. “It’s been 7-8 years” oh well all is forgiven then :joy:


You can only have Jaina’s skull if the Horde pays the same price the Alliance did. Namely having several cities and towns ne burned to the ground.

Just putting this out there:

They disenchanted Arthas for 25 anima. The only character anyone actually cares about and he got disenchanted for 25 anima…:melting_face:


for the crimes against humanity known as the thunderbluff elevators…it must burn.

So many lives lost to those foul open world elevator bosses.

Ok so.

You see how this is just going around in circles right.

They are bad guys and evil. But they cant be written as bad guys and evil because thats just the same exact story.

But when they are not bad guys and evil, thats wrong.

They need to be written as bad guys and evil.

But then…

It just becomes a circle of contradictions in wanting them to be written as bad guys/evil. But then acknowledging they cant be written as bad guys and evil. But then saying its wrong for them to be anything but bad guys/evil. But then they cant be written as bad guys/evil. But then its wrong from them to be anything but bad guys/evil.

But yall are literally saying they are outright evil, that they are literally the personification of black and white evil.

Thats the argument yall are using.

And I agree Calia is lame.

So the Horde did have a city and a town burned to the ground?

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I haven’t argued that. You just quoted me arguing not-that lol

But wow’s story is circular and repetitive regardless of what the Forsaken are doing, anyway. We always have a world-ending threat and always win against it, until bam there’s a new one. Often related to the old ones. That’s just the result of having a game that never ends.

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It works in a way because Lilian wasn’t really with forsaken and wasn’t in the burning of teldrassil. She was doing her own stuff.
We also know from SL she’s looking to have Menathil as the leader and works with talks with the alliance. I find the pairing works fine. Not that crazy.

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I’m fine with The Power Of Friendship™ bringing us all together to fight the big bad, and kill the most annoying two characters in Warcraft.

Toddy Whiskers, and Magni.

… Maybe Mekingeer creates a time-machine to go back in time and actually kill Sylvannas in Shadowlands. That’d be cool, too.

You know what? Can 10.2 / 11.0 just be an endless retconning of bad story threads that died due to plot armor and cheapened the player experience?

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Oh dear I’ve gone cross-eyed.

He plays both or did .

One wild idea would be to have the writers think deeply about what it would mean to be undead and how that would affect your perspective and how it would inform every interaction you have with the world around you. They could use these thoughts to help craft a unique identity for the Forsaken that will make players think about and engage with the concept of differing experiences changing how you value things.

Or everyone can just be generic humans with different costumes on. Only some of them are evil I guess. That works too.

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Peace between Horde and Alliance is an impossibility to begin with.