If this is the kind of storytelling 10.2 give us then I'm not hyped

its more soy in the pot. the game doesnt need narratives like that.


People still play WoW for storytelling? I thought they just played it for logs and parses and treating it like a mathematical equation to maximize their output. At least that’s how the game seems to have been going according to Blizz. People play this game for parses, they play BG3 for storyline.

I agree tbh. The friendship is magic crap in wow currently is not what wows been. I don’t care about sappy emotions and talk about feelings and “oh noes Nozdormu sad, Chromie hug audience awwwwww”

It’s not wow. Wow was battle, war, grit,dark fantasy. Everything seems too soft and made more for 10 and below. It’s definitely not the game that pulled me in wanting to play all day back in 2007…


Another day, another 30 people defending super poor story telling.


I’m over it.


“Nobody” cared about him until then.

Just like nobody cared about Sinead Oconnor until she died then every celeb came out of the woodwork to “care”. The “care” for Arthas on these boards are the Sinead Tweets.

Draenei will never forgive orcs for turning them into roads.

But, yeah wounds like that don’t heal that easily, especially what the night elves went through. I’m sure the ones who experienced the attack and mange to make it out alive have PTSD.are not going to kiss and make up that quickly.

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IDK who this Sinead Oconner person is. But Arthas was kind of a big deal 'round these here parts.

say what you want about the rest of the story, thats your opinion. At least we both can agree that this is garbage.

Peace is not the answer to genocide. Retaliation is. Otherwise you look weak to other nations.


Sure you do, and no he wasnt other than a chance for his mount and after the fart. :smile:

Hold up. What does a dead persons fart smell like? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Dust I guess.

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It’s you who’s misreading the Forsaken; they are a people with a horrific plight before them, being undead. They were wrapped in a culture of paranoia and distrust toward not just the living races but to each other. Once a Forsaken actually got out of that hellhole and interacted with the world at large, they’ve found motes of acceptance here and there, especially since the living, most notably the Tauren, have been willing to give them a chance to better themselves.

Sylvanas was always unhealthily paranoid and constantly seeing threats that weren’t present and, if necessary, inventing those threats through the subversion of other people’s honest efforts. The Horde orders a halt on Blight production? They don’t know our struggles, just keep it underground for now and maintain deniability. Forsaken civilians want to try to reach out to their living family once more? Kill the traitors and salt the earth, they obviously were all spies. Yet despite this paranoia she couldn’t see the actual threats right under her nose, Valmithras and Putress.

The Forsaken are certainly a people darkened with the burden of undeath, but that doesn’t make them immediately evil. A Forsaken PC can be just as virtuous and heroic as any other PC in this game, and that is what made the Forsaken interesting. A 3-year old can write ‘evil zombie super-witch’, but it takes nuance to make an undead hero genuine and interesting. WoW’s zombies were different and unique because they weren’t mindless hordes; they were intelligent individuals with their own destinites and desires, dealing with the problems set upon them by their unnatural state.


Could be in general. But not here. When I host a party, I don’t want people there to talk about political issues either. It ruins the mood for everyone. Especially when there are people with different views.

No. I don’t want to have any real-life politics in the game. Someone who’s trying to subtly influence me through entertainment disgusts me.


And… Can you give an example of this insidious influence?


What if I don’t WANT to be virtuous and heroic? What if I NEVER wanted to be that? What if I made a Forsaken warlock precisely BECAUSE they were clearly evil, CANNIBALISTIC zombies who were just putting on the thinnest pretense of cooperation out of grudging necessity?

The way the Forsaken feel these days is so completely and utterly removed from how they felt when I started, it’s like the original sub-faction just ceased to exist. Whatever happened to that special air of distrust, how every other Horde race had us at “Neutral” instead of “Friendly”, and we had to work our way up further than everyone else?

And don’t get me started on Calia. Her father lead us to death, her brother raised us to undeath, there’s no way even a single citizen of Lorderon would want anything to do with her beside using her as target practice. The restless dead are not known as the forgive and forget type, after all.


Then you can be petty and cruel in your off-time. A Forsaken PC is their own entity, you determine your motivations, your decisions, and any alignments you might have. Obviously, since this is a game that’s been pre-made to an extent, you won’t have full and open choice, but just as a player can decide their Forsaken is a good individual in spite of it, another player can decide their Forsaken is skulking and untrustworthy.

You can’t really be straight-up evil because the evolution of the story has the races too intertwined with one another in order to allow that any longer. At the dawn of WoW, the Forsaken were a new and strange entity that no one was sure what to do with; most wanted them stamped out like the abominations they were seen to be, a select few (again, notably the Tauren) saw a people in distress and in need of aid. Now we’ve known one another for more than two decades, more than enough to establish trust and camaraderie. Will there be skulking holdouts hellbent on living the phrase ‘Beware the Living?’ Sure, old habits die hard. But old habits DO eventually die when confronted with enough support to dispel them.

Also, ‘evil team’ constantly pines for the elimination or subjugation of all sapient life which, uh, is a bit of a non-starter for pretty much every playable race.


Yeah, that would be a challenge to incorporate into a multiplayer game. It would take considerable time and effort, as well as some planning and discussion, to make a subfaction that’s got that kind of depth behind it.

Yeah I’m bitter. We could have depth, we could have conflict, we could have something INTERESTING… nope. Too hard. Can’t be done. Hell, these days, even the path of least resistance seems like too much work for WoW.

I guess I should be thankful they can’t be bothered to take away cannibalism. They’d probably replace it with hugs >:P


Well, again, you reach a point where factions of players will be made into losers of a conflict they had no part in through no fault of their own. Enough ‘cold conflict’ will eventually have someone demand a spark and then it worsens for everyone.

Factions are fine for PvE purposes and storytelling, but things get very bad very fast once PvP infiltrates the narrative and especially if it has tangible effects on the world.

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