If this is the kind of storytelling 10.2 give us then I'm not hyped

Could of been Alonsus Faol. He’s a kind of cool dude NPC persona.


The part that, to me, is funniest about this while shtick are those that wants to forget BFA happened but are desperate to never let it go so it can fuel there hate for the other faction, while pretending it for “good story”.

“Don’t acknowledge anything about BFA/SL because it’s stupid! But also we always need to remember BFA and use that as justification for FACTIONWARNOW.”

It’s like they don’t want to keep it, but can’t bare to let it go lol.


Must’ve missed when the Forsaken took issue with the Menethils that aren’t Arthas. Otherwise, that “Blame not the father” plaque everyone sees going into the Undercity probably would’ve been vandalized constantly.


Box sales means a person played at least a month, since that’s the minimum amount of time for a sub. I’m a casual who got to max level in the first week. So I contended with all the things I mentioned since Legion. I have played longer than 1 month since they introduced seasons, and I won’t anymore. Not worth my free time.

That plaque was clearly made by Stormwind/Scarlets/RandomHumansThatLiveThereButCan’tBeSeenTrustMe and the Forsaken just ignored it for their entire existence and don’t you dare believe otherwise.


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I don’t know my lore enough! :open_mouth:

I liken it to the French, who didn’t say “Yeah we’re okay with the Bourbons running the country again, it was just that one guy who was bad.”

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IIRC, it was implied that the final message on it was put there by Trollbane, but it was still sitting there without being tampered with for an awfully long time.

Like if the Forsaken really had the whole family on their craplist, that thing would’ve been modified to say “Blame not the father for pissing his pants” or something within days, and the sarcophagus itself would’ve been broken open regardless of whether or not his ashes were still interred there.

Which is why I’m personally hoping for its collapse.

For the past few years what’s been put out as entertainment has been hot garbage in general.


That’s what I’m implying. Sylvanas may not have cared but you’d think other Forsaken would have taken it down, defaced it, something. The fact it remained, untouched, at least implies that the Forsaken do in fact, find their former king blameless. Or maybe they just had super active cleaners and repairers to keep it up.

That’s the fun of believing characters can actually be characters and not Hats. But being characters requires effort. Hats are so easy a child can understand them, so every member of a race is just a Hat, utterly incapable of thinking for themselves or being their own persons.

My race completely and 100% defines my entire character.

Which actually explains a lot about the vast posters on this fourm.


Oh lordy loo, here we go again :roll_eyes:


Why does Lillian care about the tree? Did I miss a story or novel somewhere?

Some people sure are lost in politics 24/7, jesus christ.


You’re gonna like it, just like you’re gonna like how everyone can be every class, lol.

Lore used to be the roots that kept us grounded in a gaming world.

Those roots have long been severed.

And it’s not like they are actually writing new good lore, nah. It’s just- “Paste this NPC here and make it look like progress”.

I mean, when they let everyone become Warlocks, it was basically just a bunch of demons and NPCs copy pasted onto Darkmoom Isle- Here! New Warlocks!

It wasn’t anything like Legion with the order halls, they just shouldn’t bother. It’s just lazy.


Well, it’s hard to avoid it when you’re bombarded with it everywhere.


Did I miss the part where Lillian and Shandris glued themselves to a portrait of Terenas Menethil and then adopted pugs and moved in together?


Exactly, plenty of time for therapy because without therapy we may of seen NE’s breaking the peace agreement and declaring war on Horde because of the tree not all of the Horde agreed with burning.

You can’t miss anything that hasn’t happened yet.

But I expect something like that, yes.

Nelfs live for over 10,000 years. 7-8 years is like a month to them.

I find it weird that Lillian cares at all about the tree and that Shandris is just like “okay!” with no background given as to why either are like that. But I don’t care enough beyond that. It’s whatever these days. lol


Please let this sort of WoW die. I genuinely cringe at all the dialogue in DF.