If this is the kind of storytelling 10.2 give us then I'm not hyped

Then this would have been a perfect time to bring out Calia. She’s compassionate and can show once again that the Horde is willing to let the Alliance lean on their shoulder.


The only place for Calia in the Horde is with her head on a pike like all the other Menethils.


No please, there is never a good time to bring out Calia lmao


I think Calia represents the worst of the new version of WoW where everyone has to be friends for some reason. They’re trying to create bridges of friendship and peace between Horde and Alliance


Yes. I have.

It goes from “why war?” to “WAR NOW” then back and forth then someone has to try and compare wow writing to a fanfic when wow has always been popcorn movie levels of writing.

Also dude there are so many “dead dove do not eat” fics on AO3 so anytime someone tries to call cooldown lore periods as fanfic quality its really funny


Calia tries to guilt you during the heritage quest for…killing an enemy commander.

That’s not even an evil thing, “kill the guys in charge” is WoW questing 101 and she’s over here acting like it’s some unique cruelty she can’t be stand to hear about


Eh she’s new to this, she’ll learn

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The original setting of WoW - which worked - was the “cold war” setting of vanilla/bc/wrath.

“Hot” wars were a mistake. Obviously so from the start. But buddy-buddy is also a mistake, it takes one of the signature features of the property, and flushes it down the toilet.

Which I blame for the lower sales of Dragonflight, especially to “box sale” players who buy the expansion but unsub for 2 years after purchase (which is, historically, about half the playerbase). People incorrectly attribute it to “Shadowlands/BfA were bad” which, yes, they were, but the things people point to… box sale players were never exposed to those problems.

So why aren’t box sale players buying Dragonflight? Because Blizzard cut out the core aspect of the game. They removed the Horde/Alliance dynamic completely, and put some random red-head on the box that no casual player would ever recognize.

And then they have the nerve to wonder why people aren’t interested.


Bruh Blizz stuff tanked after the diablo immortal thing , diablo 4 bombing, ow2 stuff getting cancelled, and the folks that got busted for messed up stuff.

People don’t go “oh i dont know the story yet of this game. welp better not buy the game”


As someone who got interested in wow during wrath because of the forsaken lore I miss the old ways.
The only interaction we need with nelves is flooding their settlements with plague and fire.

I’ll never understand the “no more faction war” types.
This has always been World of Warcraft.
Faction pride used to be big and celebrated.

But I’m not surprised given who we have in development and some of the playerbase too.


Also “but what about the casuals?” people don’t really care about casuals. Folks only bring them up or new players when they wanna try and use them as leverage for something THEY want.


Right, I’m not saying we need to be actively fighting. It’s impractical, we know there are bigger threats to fry. But that doesn’t mean there’s suddenly no bad blood lol.

Especially when you get into smaller factions within the main factions. Horde and Alliance at large can have a truce, but Forsaken and Nelves or Forsaken and Worgen should still have issues with each other.


It’s entirely because of Hall of Fame and Alliance players’ reaction to it, although they’ll never admit it.

  1. There were more Horde raiding guilds than Alliance raiding guilds since Burning Crusade. (fact)
  2. Everybody knew it
  3. For BfA, Blizzard tried to lure some guilds to flip to Alliance by creating Hall of Fame (1st 100 Horde guilds & 1st 100 Alliance guilds get a prize). Since it would be easier to make 1st 100 as Alliance, they thought that would encourage people to flip to Alliance.
    NOTE: We all told them the opposite would happen. But they didn’t listen. They never listen.
  4. Hall of Fame for Horde always filled up first and quickly, and then Alliance trickled in afterwards.
  5. Alliance players who don’t even raid were embarrassed and started shrieking about “factions are dumb” and “the faction divide needs to end”.

Note that nobody ever had a problem with factions, until Hall of Fame.

The whole thing was ridiculous.


I dont know. Didn’t seem that bad or egregious to me. Maybe a bit boring but whatever.

But I’m also not a terminally online Night Elf Forum Poster or a ravenous “FactionWarNow” fanatic so i’m not personally hurt by it. I’m just glad Shandris is working with someone who isnt her family, her military personnel, or from Stormwind.


I came out of the desert after the 4th War to get revenge against the Alliance and instead all I get was a notice of cease fire. :rage:


Any respectable night elf would want to do this to the entire desolate council


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The faction war story is absolutely terrible, way worse than the friendship stuff. Wrathgate was about teaming up and it was absolutely epic. These instances where they try to tell the faction war story and it just ends up being a circle jerk of complaining that your side is losing is an absolute waste of time. Horde whining for months on end about not being able to support Sylvanas for literal genocide to the point Blizzard had to alter the storyline a bit to give them the freedom to do so. Alliance whining about Teldrassil so Blizzard inserted some janky 30 second cutscene that was intended to be some sort of fist pump moment etc. It was all so very bad.

I can’t really think of many instances where the actual faction war storyline was told in a manner that left the playerbase as a whole satisfied. All it did was annoy a lot of people and push Blizzard into a corner. All of the best aspects of WoW, from Black Temple, Icecrown, Isle of Thunder, Broken Shore etc. We teamed up and it was epic as hell, the faction war story has only ever been entertaining as a PVP aspect, and that still hasn’t gone anywhere.


This. All of this. I was going to expound on my personal view, but that sums it up in a nutshell.

I’m, by your definition, a box sales player. I came back to try hard core servers.

I didn’t leave for the reasons you speak of. In fact, I loved both Alliance and Horde in WC3 and they made peace to fight a real evil. In natural progression of countries who strive to do the honorable things, both of these factions would eventually become allies if the story progressed organically from WC3. But Silvanas happened in BFA.

Anyways, the reason I quit is because there’s no point to playing the game. I don’t like deliberate time waster activities. It’s disrespectful to the playerbase and shows the developers think we’re losers with nothing else to do with our free time but play this game.

World quests, rep grinds, time gates, seasonal resets, all ways of wasting our time with mind numbing tasks and/or invalidating any effort put into our character.

If Blizzard wants to retain “box sale” players, here’s my advice:

  1. Make leveling challenging and long again.
  2. Quit repeatedly making dungeons and raids obsolete. Hand in hand with making previous efforts in gearing our character wasted.
  3. Respect our time. Remove time gates, don’t force easy, boring, mind numbing content on people and force it for rep grinds, which you make necessary for story progression. Unlock everything from the get go and quit being afraid that we’ll leave afterwards. We will, but at least we’ll come back because your content will be worth coming back for.
  4. Quit with the “woke.”
  5. Tone down the raid and dungeon mechanics, but also make queable content more challenging.
  6. Invest in QA people and in game GMs.
  7. Quit putting profits above customer satisfaction and loyalty. Treat the customer well, and we’ll make you rich.

That is all. Thank you


Box sale players are exposed to none of these things.

Especially the seasonal resets. I mean… come on. You didn’t even read what I wrote.

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