If they kill Sylvanas they need to kill an Alliance leader

Crap I had a depressing thought. I was going to respond to you saying “Blizzard aren’t going to kill Sylvanas because someone has to take Zovaal’s place as ruler of the Maw once we kill him so I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going to be her fate”

Then I had the horrid notion of what if they make Bolvar the new person in charge of the Maw? He really would be the jailer of the damned then, albeit a far more benevolent one than Zovaal.

Hmmm. Interesting.

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I thought this was pretty obviously going to be the case. There is a reason they brought Taelia into the picture and had her say the line, “I will do anything to be by my father’s side.” Bolvar will end up becoming the new Jailor, so in an an attempt to stay close to her father and still talk to him, Taelia will don the reforged Helm of Domination and become the first Lich Queen when we seal the rift between Azeroth and the Shadowlands.

Hoping next expansion we go back to Classic routes, getting overwhelmed by more simple forces (I say ‘simple’, I just mean non-cosmic-threatening apocalyptical threat) due to having so much of each factions armies, forces and elite slaughtered.

Like the Centaurs amassing & conquering Horde settlements all over in Kalimdor with the exception of allowing the Nightelves peace due to a tactically smart treaty (And a giant ‘F-U’ from Tyrande too), Eastern Kingdoms having Zul’Gurub flourish and now extended larger than before - And Stranglethorn conquered by the Gurubashi tribe with many mighty beasts, Loa and multiple Troll settlements roaming all over right down to Booty-Bay which had taken over by the Bloodsail buccaneers. Have the Deadmines opened up, providing a good gateway for the Gurubashi - right, into Westfall and show Duskwood being overwhelmed for both ends being squeezed tight requiring assistance. Furbolg all over Azeroth settling down & learning wits other races wouldn’t have seen - developing connections between all continents and amassing their own forces conquering lands & building kingdoms in their respective territories.

I’d like to see the world in World of Warcraft evolve, show that it didn’t stop moving simply because all of the Horde & Alliance jumped ship from X to Y and then A to B. And ultimately show, that all these threats have withered the factions down to the dangerous point that their cities are under dire threat from forces they’d forgotten, and regretfully fear the rapid movement of those said-forces.


It’s Warcraft people die in War. Except the guys who sit back and do paperwork, they get medals.

You alliance mongrels deserve far worse then what happened to you so far. No justice or peace until the alliance cast is just as depleted as the Horde one. Lok’tar!

Lol…oh k

Yes. Especially alliance ones.

You are a cartoon.


Vol’jin was killed for parity because Varian died too. But unlike Varian Vol’jins death wasn’t an awesome last stand against superior odds but a trash hit from a random fel guard. Literally the most insulting death ever to any character. Check your alliance privilege blue boy.


I don’t care.

On the alliance side yes. There needs to be some balance.


Sure make 1 of those expansion about them being evil and feeling bad about it like BFA. Make other the expansion where the faction does nothing and follows majority of the other factions leader like Legion. Also loose characters to villain batting and plot convince.

Redo those 2 expansions and flip the factions.


I can only agree …
Don’t forget the Night elf heritage armor :heart:(Still missing)

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I wonder if that one is still coming, probably not since there was no sign of any in either 9.0, 9.0.5 or 9.1.

And nothing of value would be lost.


Good riddance I say. Him and Varian were nothing but narrative black holes anyway.


You can have Anduin, and maybe Tyrande… as long as Tyrande or Delaryn is the one to deal the deathblow to Sylvanas and Sylvanas stays dead and never comes back this time.

There was a recent interview on mmochampion where Ion said that Anduin will be ‘changed forever’ post-Shadowlands, implying both his survival and continuing importance. Heaven help us all.


That goes for you too. You don’t speak for us all so stop pretending that your opinion is the only one.

No, it went against your HEADACANON for the last 10 years.

No, but the lore behind it does.