If they kill Sylvanas they need to kill an Alliance leader

To be fair, I would say everything related to Worgen has taken a step backwards from what their original concept were. Back in vanilla they were genuinely cursed and much more tied to sinister forces such as the shadow magic of the landscapes they stalked in, so much so it was written their presence alone contributed to the darkness of the region.

Nowadays what are they now? Their curse is more tied to Druidism which is a much less sinister force of magic and their personalities come in the shape of either being too much like Stormwind humans but with a British accent or eco-environmentalists wearing Night Elf clothing with a British accent. They don’t specifically have their own unique niche or appeal to them that isn’t covered by a different Alliance race, they could have had that if the curse had not be retconned so many times but we’re beyond that point now.

Does not help when a strong personality trait of the Gilneans was fierce independence and nationalistic pride, both of which are elements they can’t have anymore as a refugee populace working as a vassal state to much bigger regions that are better off than them.


These are fair arguments to make, for the most part though I disagree that Gilneans lack personality and are “Just British Stormwindians.” I actually like their Gilnean personalities and find them more compelling then the Worgen aspect.

But also all their entire culture needs to be expanded upon across the board, both Gilnean and Worgen because to me, BOTH are important to their race. They are a dual species nation, of both Humans and Worgen and their class fantasy should be inclusive to both sides.

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The biggest issue with worgens is that, despite what worgen players have insisted for years, Blizzard has made it very clear that they were Gilneans first and worgen second. For all the other things that changed for them, this has remained consistent for years.

Thus why everyone hated that hertiage armor quest.

Right. Blizzard actually put in game, stating directly to worgen player’s faces, what they have been saying for 10 years. That their headcanon is wrong. And some players didn’t like it… for some reason.

It’s like they haven’t actually been playing the game, reading the lore for 10 years and just been in their own little worlds and Blizzard brought their delusion crashing down.

Genn dies and its Tyrande’s fault.

Excerpt it’s not remotely Tyrande’s fault. Why do people say Alliance white wash characters?

Sorry, I meant to say, “It would be interesting if Genn Greymane dies as an indirect result of Tyrande’s actions, and we get to watch Tyrande struggle with that realization, and watch Tess struggle to navigate her relationship with Tyrande, for the sake of the Gilnean and Nightelven peoples.”

It doesn’t sound interesting to me as a fan of both of those characters, and the Warcraft series. If Tyrande, and Tess had like four different high effort CGI cutscenes about it, like what Saurfang of all people got, I guess I could see a few people enjoying it. But, people would complain they’re getting to much, and a new synchronized drone would begin.


That doesn’t sound interesting at all lol.

Let’s have some Gilnean stories that involve Gilneas, not more hand-wringing over how other parts of the Alliance feel about them.


In my head that’s a springboard to just such a story. Tess has to succeed Genn for her reign to start. Tess should be the Greymane to lead the Gilneans in reclaiming their homeland. I ship Tess and Lorna, but that doesnt really have to happen. They can just be friends, whatever. They are awesome characters regardless. IMO, the prepatch for 10.0 should be the Alliance clearing the blight from Gilneas, and the horde clearing the blight from Lordearon.


That part I wouldn’t mind.

I do think though that Genn’s ‘last act’ will be to see his people returned to Gilneas and his promise to Liam fulfilled, after which he’ll die and make way for Tess to lead.

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As heartwarming as that would be, as the end of a movie that starts with a little boy fishing off the moon, this isnt the end of a story we are talking about, its the beginning, and I really hope they dont taint it just to give the symbol of the old Gilneas a good sendoff.

Genn is great for what he is, but a big part of what he is, is an example to the next generation of Gilneans of what not to be. They have been foreshadowing the consequences of Genn’s bloodlust for two expansions, and they shifted that to Tyrande. It would be nice to see them tie that back in.

I think part of the issue is they hardly ever really have moments where their ideals conflict with Stormwind’s, the Kul Tirans arguably show more of it and yet unlike Gilneas they were much more patriotic about the Alliance cause in contrast to the Gilneans secluded nature.

I think ultimately something was lost by humbling the Gilneans and making them need help from allies so often, it’s their defining character trait to be stubbornly prideful and rather reclusive in nature. The curse and it’s strengths ought to only amplify those traits and support their independence more. Yeah you had Genn go against Anduin’s orders that onetime in Stormheim but I don’t think it was truly a moment that spoke to what makes Gilneas different from Stormwind, because you had a non-Gilnean like Rogers also call for blood. It was more about vengeance which every Alliance race actually struggles with because it’s a flaw that comes from their stronger sense of justice.

I think if a lot of these things were focused on and addressed, Worgen fans would be more warm to the idea that their people identify as Gilneans first because at the moment it feels like the Worgen aspect and its wolf themes are what makes Gilneas standout more than the other kingdoms, even if Blizzard is kind of shabby at going further with it and simply playing it “safe”.


This is to view Genn as if he has not changed from Cataclysm and earlier. He was a king who was painfully stubborn with an independence-at-all-costs attitude, and is now one of the Alliance’s staunchest leaders and most diplomatic. He alone answered Tyrande’s call, he convinced Katherine to forgive Jaina and accept the Alliance, he’s stood in as Anduin’s surrogate father and helped him navigate the kingship. His ‘bloodlust’ is merely a clear-sightedness about the Horde and a willingness to act against them.


Not according to Tess and Lorna in Legion, but yeah. Im not trying to say Genn hasn’t grown, but all of that growth happened in the Gilnean starting zone and really just facilitated the foundations of worgen as a playable race. Genn is redeemed from being the first “every man for himself” human, and his penance is partly the worgen curse. And as fate would have it, Genn was the perfect Ambassador to Kul Tiras, because he did exactly what he was asking of the Kul Tirans. But Genn shouldnt live forever, and Tess should be allowed to be more than just the daughter of the hero king. If you have Genn reclaim Gilneas, and then die that’s all she will be.

Expecting a character to die for little reason besides making way for their heir is all kinds of lame, ask the Rastakhan fans lol. Genn has no reason to die, and being one of the most capable of the Alliance roster, not capable through ability, but actually doing anything, serves that he should live for a length of time to actually make him reasonably seen as a Warhawk, instead of just someone who’s so correct he can only get his due in hindsight.


I have a list of alliance characters I would like to see being killed off.

even better if it is the Horde who gives them all the killing blow.

No no no no NO NO NO NO! :scream:


Yes. I am back baby. Paid money for a second sub. So I will not waste my precious time here.

Oh but wouldn’t that be against the forum rules to circumvent permanent bans?