If they can do it, why can't I?

not one single person has done this why are you panicking about things that aren’t even happening

they should look at actual gameplay not representation

which is what they’re doing and likely why we won’t see any changes until after the up coming AWC tournament which is absolutely the right call

fire/ww/hpal will win cup 1 (ceraliums team) and they’ll likely only lose any games to wealthymans team which will likely play fire/sp/hpal or fire/arms/hpal or fire/moonkin/hpal
i’ve seen chan playing a lot of moonkin but snutz sp ww and warrior are all kinda insane atm

cdews team has also been playing fire/ww/hpal


gores team doesn’t have access to a fire mage but they’ll be playing
hpal/ww/x !! O:
smx war/enh/ele or thugs ret

because classes are not the exact same ww has always been a low rep class not because its bad but because a lot of people dont like its class

and classes like rogue or mage are fairly high rep generally because theyre more popular classes

the classes arent equally popular

for example if i remmeber correct ww was fairly low rep in legion but was s tier atleast the first half of the xpac i didnt rly play the second half

So actual gameplay meaning…videos? Streamers?

We only disagree on using spec representation as a tool to guage spec viability.

I think you know that Combust and Triune Ward aren’t actually that bad atm.
I could equally argue that Enhance shaman purge is equally as broken as Combust And Triune Ward…which would level the specs out?

Are you upset that fire mages are represented a lot in the AWC instead of Enhance shamans?

Go and have a look back at the previous Blizzcon Games. Look at the comps that were being run in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Mages are represented but also enhance shamans/Spriests/Ele shamans/Resto druids/Warriors/Rogues/Feral druids/Holy pallies/Moonkins/Warlocks

what am i actually reading

So you’re argument is that if a class is popular then it is overpowered and needs to nerfed?

Moonkin seem pretty strong right now but don’t have the same representation as Fire mages currently on the ladder?

Is it because Fire mages are stronger than Moonkins or because Moonkins only have access to a lower amount of Comps than a Fire Mage does?

thats the argument ur making

No, my argument is that if there are specs represented at high rating then it is evidence that those specs can reach high rating.

If you are playing a spec that is represented at high rating and you are not at high rating. Then it is not the games fault but rather a player skill problem.

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i dont think you understand

a 2400 ret right now is like half the player a 2400 sub/surv/aff

ya but you’d be arguing wrong and you’d be arguing from the pov of an 1800 player with limited game knowledge

maybe it’s challenging for you specifically to comprehend but not everything is drenched in bias

enhance has tons of blizzcon representation
smex will likely q at least a few games of it

i am not a shaman only player
i’ve played like 7 different specs to similar rating as my shaman

i would like the competition to not be completely tilted twords firemage/hpal
the entirety of bfa s4 meta was firemage hpal

it’s so boring i wanna see ANYthing else

there’s tons of unhealthy mechanics in this game and triune ward is one of the biggest offenders
i’ll selfplay you to 2400 if it doesn’t get nerfed that’s how confident i am that it’s openly regarded as disgusting LMFAO

can we selfplay my glad this season

can we self play my r1 this season

Jesus bro, stop looking at my rating on this mage.

I played a moonkin back in MoP and got Gladiator 2700 exp vsing the same players that we play against today.

My main was Jensxo. I used to queue into Xaryu and Fuzionn in 2’s as Resto Shaman/Moonkin to time out dampening games after 20 minutes as a troll. There were players like Beanslayerx/Nahj/Jahmilli/Wizk/Jellybeans/Revolutio/Venruki and Venfuki/Veev/Supatease/Abn/Dotatko/Pikaboo/Reckful (Anticide)/Dibzz/Mitchjones/Gorecki/Snutz/Vanguards/Wealthyman/Bobjob/Kubzy/ and a bunch of other players who still play.

There were 3 other Moonkins on the ladder at the time that I got Gladiator. Iamzod, a Korean Boomkin who played with 3 other korean players (Reckful has a vid of them).
Iamzod was considered no.2 best boomkin on US.
Maorimoron was considered no.1 best boomkin on US, he was Chanimals partner and was just a very good player despite boomkin low representation.
I was the moonkin who played 3s with Woundman who was the only Combat rogue on the ladder at the time, we used to stream 3s and 2s as Moonkin/Combat rogue.

This may sound like a brag but it’s not intended to be, I’m just pointing out that I was once a high rated player and am no longer but the desire to reach high rating is still there and I have never ever blamed my games on a game balance, rather, there is always something I could have done in a match to change the outcome.

I wouldn’t say I have limited game knowledge. I decided to reroll mage this expansion and I’ve only played mage for a total of 2 months. I’m aiming to get better and I know I can achieve higher rating. I’m still learning to adjust to mage gameplay because I’ve played Moonkin for 10 + years.

I remember when HOTW was the most broken ability I have ever seen put into the game. I was far from the best player at the game. I didn’t presume to have all this knowledge and that my word was gospel truth. I did however, stuck to the notion that “if they can do it, why can’t I”. There were 2 other boomkins on the ladder that were much higher than me, I didn’t complain about Moonkin low representation, I simply just played more and more and wanted to get better and better.

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calling dibs on that selfplay offer

Anyone who disagrees with this post is just triggered because it’s correct.

you’re the one that said

and it’s not wrong

but it’s stupid use that as a way to brush off toxic mechanics

not ONE person blamed their lack of success on any mechanic in particular idk why you’re clinging to that so hard

yeah obviously enhance is viable i never once said i was held back by mages
i lose more to things i should beat than exclusively mages

you cant pretend triune ward / combust are good design though
i dont care how many GET MOTIVATED youtube videos you watch and mimic to have this obnoxious life coach personality
30k absorb on a 20 second cooldown is dumb

I dont like this argument because it ignores the inverse. Classes that are popular but at weak right now.

Like Rdruid are generally very popular among PvPers right? Yet its representation is in the gutter tier. You could use this to make a case they need massive buffs since they are usually popular but so under-represented atm. Weaker than they look? By a mile?

But you wouldnt make that argument, you would say they are just slightly weak.

I much prefer hard numbers over opinions. While Representation is not a perfect thing to go by, its a lot better than anecdotal evidence and opinion pieces like, “X class is popular thats why its up there.”

Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve always thought Rdruids were very popular among pvpers, and their rep is almost nonexistent, and if we go by your metric that high/low popularity overrides strength, then its a miracle theres any Rdruids on a leaderboard at all.

Not ONE person blamed their lack of success? Have you read any of the Arena forums?

It’s literally just full of people asking for unwarranted nerfs on specs that don’t need them.

I don’t think it’s 30k either. It gets reduced in Arena.
It’s fair that you don’t like Triune Ward or Combust.
I thoroughly hate purge spamming enhance shamans but we can’t all have what we want. I wouldn’t say that they are gamebreaking toxic mechanics, moreso just annoying ones.

i feel like druids are fairly low rep almost always unless im wrong

even when they r good

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Name should of been Simplejack…


Is the summary of this thread “Don’t nerf my class.”?

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