Simply put
Convoke seems broken at lower levels of Arena gameplay
Combust seems broken at lower levels of Arena gameplay
Holy pally seems broken at lower levels of Arena gameplay
Mindgames seems broken at lower levels of Arena gameplay
For some reason though…none of these abilities seem broken at the highest levels of arena gameplay
Perhaps the solution is for Blizzard to not change anything. Encourage lower skilled players to get better at Arena in order to achieve their desired rating.
Ok then. On that same note, even if they gutted fire mage and nerfed Triune Ward to the ground, plenty of mages would still be high rating.
So you should be more than fine with the nerfs cause its still just gonna be you holding yourself back.
Any changes to your class and spec shoudlnt bother you whatsoever, becuase there will always be a top mage high on the ladder no matter how bad they are.
So if thats the case, why are you constantly fighting against nerfs to your class? You should want them to prove everyone wrong.
r u trolling or?
a 2700 player playing a worse class is telling you it is disgusting and you sit at 1800 saying “im right ur wrong”
If they gutted Fire mage and Nerfed Triune Ward to the ground and Destroyed combust.
If there remained a high rated Fire mage on the ladder then I would believe that they didn’t completely destroy the spec and that all mages would have to adjust to the new changes.
However, what makes you think that if they gutted fire mages completely that they would still be viable? Can you see into the future? Are you willing to take a risk to destroy a spec purely based on lower rated players opinion about the spec?
Your logic is based on a lot of “IFs”
“If fire mage gets gutted”
“If there is a fire mage who is still high on the ladder”
I just don’t see the logic in destroying a spec because lower rated players struggle to deal with it.
Higher rated players deal with the spec just fine and it’s shown on the Leaderboard. There is a very healthy level of diversity on the 3v3 Leaderboard.
Also…what happens if you’re wrong? What if Fire Mages get completely gutted and there are no high rated players? Could that mean that Triune Ward and Combust were fine the way they are? Will Blizzard buff them back up to the level they were previously at?
Why do you always put forth these strawman arguments saying people are blaming their rating on something? Someone can call out an ability for being dumb or overtuned without attributing their success or lack thereof to it.
That’s why all of your threads like this just don’t make sense.
- X ability is stupid
- Y ability is holding me back
These are two completely different arguments. I personally don’t see anyone making the latter. I guess you could probably find someone like Murkk doing that, but the vast majority of people are not.
It honestly does come off as an epically convoluted don’t nerf me bro post. “This guy is 3k so absolutely nothing needs nerfed. 100% proof positive facts!”. That’s not how it works though. If it was then nothing in the game for the last 10+ years ever needed nerfed because someone from basically every single spec in the game has gotten rank 1 with it every season since at least wotlk. You might find 1 or 2 seasons that are an exception to that. Do you really think nothing has needed nerfed or buffed in PvP for the last decade?
Because there is always one. Thats also your other argument. You reach out and find a handful of outliers to use as an example for everyone to git gud. There will be a fire mage player.
I mean MW are garbage but a handful of them exist. And if I’m not wrong, theres always at least 1 off-meta edgelord that exists for every spec isnt there?
I’m not wrong. Its just hilarious the hypocrisy. You spend all your time defending mages while telling others to git gud if their specs are weaker. You dont see the irony in that?
Can’t wait to see you on the next summer Olympic
idk why you talk in absolutes
they can make triune ward NOT a 30k absorb but still be competitive
and make combust NOT do 30k damage in the first 1.5seconds without “gutting it”
nobody is blaming their current rating on any other specs in the game
but it’s not unfair to tilt when you lose to players making several mistakes playing worse than you but are protected by a 100% of their hp absorb every 20 seconds and a 1 min cd 100-0% damage button
the same way it’s fair to tilt when an enhancement shaman plays bad and doesn’t disrupt your go, but then instant crit heals his teammate for 20k
this is an important thing to note
the game overall IS good right now and there’s MUCH more viable than inviable in terms of specs
anyone who uses “should be gutted” should be banned because they’re a moron and their opinion is completely worthless
Enhance shaman is worse than fire mage? I assumed they are on the same tier because they’re both represented at very high rating?
Keep rating bashing me. My logic is sound.
You’re right. I’m 1800. I don’t know much about the game. However, I do know that there are many specs/classes represented at high rating on the ladder right now and I think the only way that I can achieve those same ratings is if I learn to play better and not make mistakes.
yea u assumed wrong
ww has a low rep considering how ridic they are
it doesnt mean much
Which thread have I made calling out X ability is stupid and Y ability is holding me back?
If an ability is overpowered…then it would be overpowered and it would be dominating everything. There are many abilities in this game that are STRONG but they do not DOMINATE the game. Therefore, they do not require changes.
“the game overall IS good right now and there’s MUCH more viable than inviable in terms of specs”
So why are you calling for nerfs on specs?
There are 3 Windwalker monks in the top 10 players in the US ladder.
Are you trolling me right now or?
“LoW RepRESenTATIon”
NA specs above 2700
not that it means literally anything on week 5 ofc most players aren’t playing seriously at all but horde r1 is 2700 ally r1 is 2800 at the moment which is more relevant than “page 1”
this makes ww and moonkin look a lot less dominant than they are
representation means almost nothing when it comes to individual specs potential
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trash dont argue him, he is right
that graph proves that sub rogue needs a nerf before WW needs one

and its obvious from that feral will need a nerf before boomy
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That graph looks incredibly healthy to me.
What do you think is wrong with it?
Perhaps Moonkin and Warlocks would have higher representation if Fear and Cyclone were never put on a DR? Like they used to be?
I don’t think Blizzard can ever reach a point where every spec will have the same amount of “Comps” available to them as other specs.
By this I mean,
Mages are utilized in a variety of comps whereas Moonkins are not. Hence, mages will have higher representation but that does not mean Moonkins aren’t as good as Mages. Take Cyclone off fear DR and watch Moonkin representation skyrocket.
Rogues can be viable in a lot more comps than an Enhance shaman is, does that mean Enhance shamans suck?
I never said you made these arguments, I said these are separate arguments yet you conflate them. In other words just because someone says Triune Ward is stupid it doesn’t mean they are blaming their lack of success on it. I thought I was very clear on that and it explained it from multiple angles in my reply.
Potentially, but not necessarily. An ability or spec can be overpowered yet have just 1 comp or class that counters it so it keeps the overall numbers in check still. If a spec dominates 11 out of 12 classes, but loses to 1 is it fine? Of course not.
The bottom line is you don’t understand all of the variables that go into a spec sitting at the top of the 3v3 bracket. I have a feeling you are stubborn as mule so I don’t know how long I can actually argue with you about it if you don’t want to expand your understanding on this subject, but suffice it to say just because every spec is represented on the 1st page of the 3v3 ladder it doesn’t mean no PvP adjustments are needed.
My argument is simply that if your spec is represented at high rating on the ladder, then it is therefore achievable that your spec can reach high rating. That’s all I’ve argued, in all my posts. Since there are so many specs at high rating, therefore, the large majority of specs can reach high rating.
nothing because representation is a stupid way to gauge spec viability
if you were to use representation as an argument (like you are) this would demand that hpal fire and arms all be nerfed because they’re completely dominant
i think triune ward is obviously really unhealthy the same way i think wog and enhance healing surge are both unhealthy
i think rune of power + the buff to crit damage in pvp makes the first 3 seconds of combust WAY too frontloaded and i’d rather see that damage redistributed
tv and divine toll need to be adjusted with damage redistributed
rdruid/mw need buffs
the game overall IS good i’d rather see redistribution over straight nerfs 10000% on specs with high ends that’re a little too high
(moonkin/ret/fire/enhance) and some ww consistent damage changes
Representation is a stupid way to guage spec viability?
As opposed to anecdotal screenshot and video evidence of random inconsistent games in RBGS/Arena’s/Skirmishes that provide glimpses of specs being broken? You think Blizzard should look at representation or the anecdotal evidence of players? What’s more logical?
I agree that MW and Resto druids need buffs. Absolutely 100% agree.
What is your alternative? Seeing as you just read the first sentence of my post.