If they can do it, why can't I?

you’ve said this

and talked about people linking screenshots from bgs an AWFUL lot but haven’t quoted replied or reposted any of them

you’re just paranoidly working under the assumption someone is going to do that and you’re trying to pre it and you just look like a lunatic

i wouldn’t either

but i would say if 2 players q into eachother and 1 is a triune ward fire mage and the other isn’t
that fire mage is allowed to win while playing significantly worse
that’s not an excuse and it’s impossible to avoid there will always be a meta

but mechanics that revolve aroung being forgiving for no reason are almost never healthy

i’m assuming you didn’t play bfa but for 2 out of 4 of the bfa seasons tank pve trinkets were BiS for melee
this made notorious seasons average game 18 ~ minutes with most melee doing 75% of their healers overall healing
it basically meant your moment to moment gameplay meant absolutely nothing because you couldnt be punished for bad positioning, bad cooldown usage, general unawareness ect
thats just a bad game
that goes against the entire point and skillcap

you can argue rune of power combust is fine
sure damage is really high and it’s instant off global (lust and doomwinds were off global in legion but put on global because the damage was too spikey which is just inconsistent design)
but trying to play off a tank legendary that lets you blink badly, position badly, and accidentally extend the game to your next ‘i win’ cooldown is stupid and lowers mage skillcap and gameknowledge value DRAMATICALLY

that to me is worth complaining about because no bias, i enjoy when the game is good and playing well matters

Don’t forget our conduit that gives 35% of the shield value as healing. Mage is very forgiving right now in my view. I have asked my lfg partner to kill a shaman or something in the go and it works out half the games I’ve never had the same happen to me as mage.

Honestly I dont think they should be balancing around the top of the ladder at all. Those players are basically outliers at that point. Most of them play their classes regardless of strength. They are the equivalents of 1 tricks in LoL. Their entire identity/career/fame/notoriety is tied to those classes/specs. Your not gonna see the FOTM/Strength issues as much with them as you will in the larger part of the ladder where most people play.

The game should be balanced around the majority of players unless there is some crazy outlier ruining the top of the ladder. You are going to get better numbers from the majority base anyways, or more meaningful numbers.

Position of one tricks on the ladder in LoL is actually a great representation of character strength. Elite500, a notable vladimir onetrick, got to 843 LP when Vladimir was insanely strong, and now hovers 300-500 LP when vladimir is weaker(he is also playing stronger champions like yone to offset how bad vladimir is but it’s still his “one trick”). If something is broken at high levels of play, it’s broken at low levels of play most assuredly. See Akali when it was most broken, Aphelios, Yone etc. If the best players can’t deal with something what makes you think worse players can. At that point, broken things only lose becuase their pilots suck.

the problem with your argument is putting any stock into current rating. it’s only week 5 or 6 of the season. trash only being 27 while ronnie is 3k means nothing until we’re at the end of the season and ppl are legit pushing

a couple days ago when i looked at the 3s ladder the highest ret was rexpeitaboot who’s never been r1, you have multi r1 rets that are hundreds of rating lower than him. does that mean he’s better than them? not even close

yo this ret/war/sham team is crazy high though it’s looking like a rank 1 for them unless ret gets OMEGA dumpstered

i don’t really know if i agree with this

take akali for example, strong in masters+ (maybe not right now i haven’t followed league in a few months), dog tier in lower elo because of the mechanical skill required to pilot her

Point is, hes always going to be a Vlad Challenger main. So using a handful of Rdruid/MW mains as an example of good diversity is wrong because those guys are gonna be there anyways. They skew what is acceptable representation.

And League is a game that balances around all elos anyways. They continually nerf champions like Amumu into the ground, for example, because of how much he wrecks low elo, and hes effectively useless in high elo. If anything, LoL is an example of a game that you can balance around the majority in lower elos and still have a healthy, skill-based game. For whatever reason, WoW players dont believe that. Its more of an issue with Blizzard than actual balance philosophy. Riot will tweak champs destroying low elo, and they will tweak champs ruining LCS.

okay that has nothing to do what my post tho

Not everyone has the best players in the world, using the best gear in the world, playing the best specs in the world to carry their sub-par spec. This thread would make sense if you saw a bunch of random comps in 2v2 like demo lock and frost mage getting to the top 100.

I’ll argue from your point of view, as the current PoV is that akali is an s+ tier mid at all elo’s as people have learned how to pilot her. She sits at a 50% WR at low elo and it only goes up as elo rises.

Champions like Akali are only trash in low elo in the old variation because the people that main them are either A: FOTM Rerollers looking for freelo(this is a lot of people) or B: have fundamental problems with how they play the game. When you take C: A person who is willing to put in the time to improve and don’t have insane weaknesses with their assassin mindset. These players are assuredly bad compared to the challenger akalis. However, they will show you why that champion is broken.

Wow Arena is not as mechanical as League, I would argue that mechanical skills are the ones that gatekeep most players in League as they are a function of talent and time, most people have one or neither. Wow Arena is way more gamesense, this can be taught.

I’m not going to pretend to have super in depth knowledge of WoW Arena, however, I think that balancing around the higher end of the playerbase has worked for every esport in existence. Just check Overwatch for how it can fail

3-500 lp is not challenger except early in the season but I’m not gonna nitpick that. Low challenger and high challenger are two different games. Low challenger might as well be GM. Theres a reason why the high challenger players always climb there with smurf WR’s even against other “challengers”. 100 Lp difference means a lot in league.

I’m actually arguing for th is point of view. Notice how any representation of MW and Rdruid is minimal and not very high in the ladder. Meanwhile, Mage and his friends + windwalker dominate high positions(top10).

Riot is much quicker to nerf champs that dominate high elo than low elo. They are even faster to nerf “low elo stompers” that become op in high elo. If something is broken in low elo, get good. If it’s broken in high elo we have an issue.

I will agree blizzard balancing is very slow for a competitive game. Patches should be weekly at the beginning of an expac and slow down to biweekly really. But League is the biggest game in the world on PC and wow pvp is a minigame I guess.

Sadly no this isn’t the case. You need to stop making these posts, or if you continue to do so, then I’d like to see you as the world’s first mage as evidence to your claims on having a more enjoyable time because of thinking “why can’t I?”

Why can’t I simply adopt this mentality and try to get better over a period of time instead of looking for things to complain about?