If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

Nah it very easily could have been explained that Bolver called all of his undead back to him to help stop Sylvanas and Sylvanas destroyed all of them with her superhuman powers.

Except that’s not true. It was made patently clear that there are still more undead in the world, even in the short story. Bolvar pulled as many as he could fit back to him, but that’s hardly all of them.

Bolvar was even mass-producing Death Knights that were not connected to him in the hopes that the Jailer wouldn’t be able to easily sway them. Bolvar was making more undead just to deal with this; and Sylvanas ripped through only the undead she needed to get to Bolvar. She didn’t scour all of the world, she’s not that powerful.


I am NOT arguing that that is not how Blizzard wrote it. They obviously wrote it to go exactly the way they did.

I just disagree with how they wrote it to get the desired effect they wanted

I wouldn’t want my bestie to suffer. :slight_smile:

Shes like the Oprah of ignoring lol

You’re getting ignored and you’re getting ignored!

You’re all getting ignoreddddd!!



To be fair, I wish I was a bot, getting old stinks. I want robot legs stat!

I honestly don’t believe that this could have resulted in anything else but where we are now. Even if they didn’t do a zombie invasion, which would be starkly anti-thematic, all the pieces were there and fit together.

Just because you don’t like the event doesn’t make the story nonsensical. The helm being made by the Jailer, the undead and the afterlife being relatively linked thematically, Sylvanas’ whole shtick about life that she’s been on since her inception, and so on.

This wasn’t written to engineer a zombie event. This was a natural culmination of the lore that’s been standing for at least two years, easily four. Blizzard has always said they’re aware of plans for the next expansion at the start of an expansion. They knew they were going to Shadowlands, and they were almost certainly aware of how they were doing it.

Again, just because you don’t like the event doesn’t make it bad writing.


I actually am happy they stuck to the lore for this one too. And this is so mild compared to what it was in the past.

Look if anyone is truly stuck on a shard where it’s that awful, I should be on after 7ish Eastern tonight. Either this toon on Alliance, Zolania if on Horde. If you need to change shards more than willing to bring anyone who needs over to ours, it tends to be quiet on the zombie front.

So just to be clear, I have disagreed with everything they have done with Sylvanas since Wrath. There are a lot of ways they COULD have taken the story.

SO far I have just tried to Ignore the Sylvanas stuff as much as possible and enjoy the rest of the game.

They could easily have been Bolvar who was working with the Jailer and Sylvanas the one saving us…

Jesus, y’all need to stop flagging the OP. I’m sorry to the GM that has to keep dealing with this.

The OP does not break the CoC. If you do not agree with it, talk in the comments. The Report Button is NOT a downvote feature.

Each and every one of us in this thread, trying to convince the other person they are wrong:


Edit: I’m sometimes the brickwall too. lol


I think it’s good to have opposing views in threads. It’s when people turn to attacking the other PERSON that things went too far.

I’m happily a brick wall because I am steadfast in my beliefs. Nothing wrong with that.


Oh for sure! I’m just tryna’ throw a little humor in for good measure lol

I will disagree with you here.

We’re supposed to believe that in 6 years (6 years have passed between WotLk and BFA in the lore), the Argent Crusade has made NO progress in making footholds in Icecrown while the scourge were held at bay by Bolvar? Not one stronghold/fortress? Nothing?

Yea. No. It’s bad writing.

IF Blizzard had copy/pasted a broken down fortress like they constantly do, it’d be one thing, showing the scourge simply overpowered the argent crusade and caught them off guard. But there’s NOTHING.

I would ask for compesation because this scourge event was so watered down, this is not what i wantes or expeted, i expeted full worñd overrun by zombies.

But we got what we got, for people like you that hate being disrupted.

What wechave is a great middle:
wave form
Medium power
And you can convert little towns

These are from raids people put together, which require coordination and aren’t that common. They are funny to watch happen though. Especially to bots.

1 Like

It is spam. There have been many others like it, and it’s not really treading any new ground.


“Doesn’t matter what the press says. Doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn’t matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.

This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world – "No, YOU move.”

-Captain America

No, this was the first thread addressing the desire for compensation.

And the 3 blues that have unflagged it agree it is not spam.

Either way, it’s not being flagged as spam, it’s being flagged as offensive.

I’m a little unclear here. Are you not aware of the lore throughout the games history?

Tirion Fordring was literally right there when Bolvar put the Helm of Domination on. Tirion Fordring, the leader of the Argent Crusade, was present for the succession of the Lich King. This person, who the Argent Crusade would swear fealty to and follow his word as law, knew that the Scourge was contained and no longer a threat.

Then we have the Argent Crusade’s lore. Following the fall of the Lich King Arthas, they turned their attention to any evil in the world. They took up arms against the other problems in the world. They were no longer focused on Icecrown and it’s ills, because Tirion knew better than to concern himself with that.

They left Northrend, and it’s darkness, because they’d achieved what they wanted. There was no value in the Frozen Throne, there was no value in Icecrown Citadel, there was nothing left but mindless undead who would rot away and were no longer doing anything dangerous.

They focused their efforts on the problems that mattered to people; chiefly the Plaguelands now. Northrend, and Icecrown specifically, was essentially a useless place to the living people of the Horde and Alliance. The Plaguelands? That’s a place that can be reclaimed for actual use. Northrend? There’s nothing of value left without the Lich King.

We see in Cataclysm that they’ve diverted their focus to the Plaguelands. We also see that they’ve taken up the original Argent Dawn’s outlook: “to fight swiftly and mercilessly against any element of evil that surfaces in Azeroth as a non-governmental organization.”

We also see that they’ve taken Hearthglen, and the towers in the Plaguelands. They’ve been expanding their influence, and wiping out that which they can. They’ve not been resting on their laurels at all.

We also see that they lent a great deal of aid during legion, and lost a great many of their assault force. Worse, even, is that the player decides to reform the Silver Hand instead of lobby the Argent Crusade; a harsh blow to their power and numbers.

As above there’s lots, actually.

It should also be noted that, canonically, the Lich King died near the end of Year 27. Legion took place somewhere near the beginning of Year 32. It was somewhere between 4 and 5 years since the Lich King died and when they lost a huge group in the Broken Shore assault.

Military engagements last decades, sometimes. What, exactly, are you expecting the Argent Crusade, hindered by their leadership, focused on the homelands now, and spread thin, to do in just a few years? It might have been closing on a decade for us, but it was less than half that for them.

If countries can’t obliterate each other in just a few years, why would a single organization be able to wipe out a continents worth of Undead in the same time?