Call J. G. Wentworth ! / 877-CASH-NOW
You’re not entitled to game time because you’re incompetence made this live event anything more then a minor inconvenience.
Out of all the servers I play on Dalaran has been the craziest. This isn’t only players though. Blizzard is also spawning zombie waves everywhere. Even on Dalaran though, I’ve been able to avoid it when I choose to.
Yes, that’s how you do it. Flag everyone who disagrees with you…
Funny same behavior came from another with a blocked profile, and shockingly they’ve dissappeared!
Thing is though it is playable, that is not a fallacy, you are able to log in the game is there. There is no compensation for that.
But here’s my 2 nickels today. You know that millitary service members don’t get their accounts put on hold or refunded once deployed. They understand for the most part and pay monthly. All I see here is entitlement, further proven by your flagging something that is not at all against ToS.
But then again, I should know better than to mention that right? You know the same ToS and EULA you agree to that says the game can change at anytime.
I have that darn commercial stuck in my head now ><
Perhaps people can have differing opinions without being insane, sociopaths, griefers, or whatever moniker you want to use to dehumanize them.
Opinions and outlooks are going to differ among people. Just because someone enjoys something you don’t like doesn’t mean much about them. Sure, it probably isn’t fun to die over and over, but the intent of other people isn’t to cause you suffering, it’s meant to be fun. They have fun killing zombies, being killed by zombies, and the whole back and forth, it’s not personal, they’re not reveling in your anger and frustration.
Thematically a world event just doesn’t make sense if it’s not a whole world event. I’m not sold on the idea that the event should be spilling out as far as it is, but I’m equally not sold on the idea that people should have access to any version of Stormwind or Orgrimmar that’s zombie free. Calls for the event to go away or be optional will be met with a raised eyebrow and confusion about what they think “world event” means. Calls for the event to remain where it belongs, on the other hand, are not egregious or concerning.
To clarify, though, I do believe that places like Nathanos, and the ICC rares, should probably have a “safe zone” around them. Not so much for thematic reasons but for gameplay reasons. Even as a staunch supporter of the zombie event, I think it’s tedious to get Nathanos to 10%, die to a zombie, and then miss out on loot. Optimally speaking either the zombies can’t quite get there (phased?) or you can get loot even if you end up a zombie. The same goes for the rares.
Or you could have fun and o I don’t know do something like this.
You’re not disenfranchised because of a world event in an MMO. You seem to be really seizing this opportunity. They are not personally targeting you, they are running a game with millions of players.
This is why in another thread, I suggested we go back to EQ style world bosses that spawns once a week at random times, with no tagging and flagging for PvP like this event.
Could you imagine the cries if the raiding scene was screwed up for an event like this? This event is considered “ok” because it only affects casuals in the world and ignores the raiders/mythic+ crowd while it actually supports the PvP crowd.
ITs the casual world players and non-WM alt levelers that get screwed. You know the kind Blizz and their fanboys look down on
Guess what bot? you made it to ignore too!
It keeps the echo chamber alive! In a nutshell, there are a few of them like this. What I wonder is how sad the forums are with no one to have discussions with after you’ve put them all on ignore.
Guy, all of these zones being infested was kind of the point of the event.
And nothing was lost.
Happy WoWing, may 1000 zombies aid you in your adventures!
I think this is the problem most people wanted. We knew from past events how far parts of the community will go to ruin others playtime. If it was a bunch of NPCs throwing themselves at Stormwind, most would be ok with it. Its the Players taking it too far, like Nathanos, ICC Rares, and even old content like Halfhill is where most get upset.
Like I said above, everyone seems to want a “safe zone” around “their content”. If zombies started spawning in Mythic+ ruining keys players would be furious. Same if players could spread the disease into others raids. For some reason, no one sees that for many people like me, world content IS their content and its why we get upset over people screwing with “our content”
Nice post, no attacking lovely! Not sarcasm at all, just nice.
Ok are you planning to play SL? This is it in a nutshell, this is the intro. They are actually following the lore for once, we reopened the hole the same thing happened.
This is supposed to be the world uniting to fight the threat. I get your frustration, I do, but it’s meant to encompass all players.
I explained it this way earlier, it’s the zombie apocalypse, we grew up together, you stood in my wedding, know each other for life. We go out for coffee and you turn and try to bite me. Friend or not I will salad fork you out of existence.
They wanted everyone involved to show unity against the undead, and for lack of a better way to put it, there is no draft dodging.
More specifically I’m calling only for “safe zones” around the “specific content introduced with the pre-patch event that is not part of the zombie invasion.” That’s not “my content” because I’m not even farming that stuff. It just makes sense for the “not zombie content” to be “not zombie content.”
Zombies aren’t generally invading BGs and Dungeons because it’s hard to get zombies into those places, and there’s not much for them to work with there. Even if you could get zombies into a BG what are they going to do? Infect a couple of people who are likely to die before becoming a zombie thus ending the problem? Even in a dungeon you’d have players turn into zombies, all die, and then ghost walk back in without the infection.
That said dungeons and raids are generally “time locked” content. All of the dungeons were handled over a year ago, none of the stuff in there is still going on. It wouldn’t make a ton of sense for current events to take place in dungeons which are canonically the past. The overworld is really the only place such an event makes sense to take place, because it’s where “current time” is happening.
I have found my new best friend.
There’s three days left in the event, chill out. It’s really hard to notice anyway unless you’re going to specifically crowded areas like Goldshire and Stormwind.
I have had to group with lowbies in chrome time on my alt account because Halfhill has been overrun for the last few hours. I even took time off to watch the Mandalorian and its still over run.
By that token, as I have argued before, it makes no sense to see them in Parndaria, 8 years in the past. I am worried about the Sha and Garrosh, not Sylvanas and her zombies.
Funny thing is, I don’t even think we will be fighting zombies in SL so not sure why its part of the pre-patch. Someone can correct me if I am wrong though
It’s very much part of the lore and story of what’s going on.
Sylvanas has ripped the Helm of Domination from the Lich King Bolvar, and torn it asunder. The only thing keeping the scourge in check was Bolvar, and only via the use of that very helm.
Back in Wrath, when Arthas was dealt with, it became clear that there must always be a Lich King. Otherwise the scourge, at all levels, are free to wreak havoc upon the world. This isn’t just zombies, though, Bolvar could keep even Liches and Death Knights in check if he so chose. With the destruction of the Helm of Domination there is no one to stop the undead from doing whatever they choose to; for the zombies that’s just a wild frenzy.
So, going back to the point of the story and why we have zombies? It’s Sylvanas destroying that helmet. Her way of opening a door to the afterlife destroyed the only tool we had to contain the undead. The jailer, who Sylvanas is working with, is the very person who made the helm. This has been a plot since at least Wrath on Sylvanas’s part, but the Jailer gave the Legion the helm and they gave it to Ner’zhul, so this has been going on since before even the Warcraft RTS in terms of timelines.
In a very real sense the zombies are a culmination of a villainous plot decades in the making. To not have the undead fallout would be like going to Disney land and not riding any of the rides or taking any pictures with the actors.