Year 33 started in Patch 7.3.5.
Scroll down to 7.3.5.
The page is gone now, but Afrasiabi confirmed 33 was BFA, and in Before the STorm, it places Embrace as 5 years prior.
By the way, this is Suramar right now, from a friend on discord:
It’s impossible to quest there.
That… doesn’t contradict what I said at all?
The Broken Shore event, which occurs in 7.0.3, is basically the beginning of Legion. In the year 32. The end of Legion, just shy of Battle for Azeroth, is indeed in the year 33.
The end of Wrath, however, was just before the year 28. It had been the year 27 for the whole expansion.
What, exactly, are you trying to argue? Nothing you’ve said contradicts what I’ve said.
Unless you’re argument is that “all of legion didn’t happen in 32” which would be accurate but misses the spirit of my statement. That the relevant events I was talking about, chiefly the Argent Crusades involvement, all happened in the year 32.
Also, by the way, I’d point out:
Patch 7.3.5
- Windrunner: Three Sisters
- Before the Storm
- The Alliance and the Horde recruit allied races.
All of this comes after the primary Legion experience. Windrunner: Three Sisters, and Before the Storm, are meant to bridge the gap between Legion and BfA.
Before the Storm is 100% after the Legion invasion, after the events of Legion. That’s kind of… anathema to your point. Which does nothing to dissuade or argue my point about anything except to nitpick whether it was 4 or 5 years, of which I never said it was one or the other just “4 or 5 years.”
I just read that the zombie event will end Monday. So, just a couple more days.
If we get compensation, you can have mine.
Demanding compensation does not make it better. It’s definitely not offensive. But this board was populated with the same complaints.
This is why I am upset.
A little at the players doing this but mostly not only for allowing it to happen, fully knowing it would happen like last time, but actually encouraging it.
Blizzard wanted this. They wanted you to not be able to play their game. ITs on them…
ONE Week. One blessed week.