If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

I hated the event the first time, and I hate it now. I knew I was going to hate it, but I’m bummed they got my hopes up this time with making it optional.

I never died in the last one and I’m not going to die now.

I am kind of bummed though that they didn’t bring back the one Vampire boss in Kharazhan that offered the Monster Hunter’s Kit and Arcanite Ripper while they were re-treadding. I have it, but it would have been a fun item to get at a higher level and on other characters.

:frowning: Im not being harrassed with zombies and I’m alittle sad. Most people are just flying and zombies die rq

yeah the zombies die super easily thats why you group up together ^^ in raids etc thats the way you make it really fun if your not in a group of 20 + its not worth doing even then you have to take care not to agro to many guards or ppl will just snipe your zombie pack from the roofs yall should try a little harder to have fun with the event instead of just qqing about it

I remember that boss, for the pet and the axe guitar. I’m so ashamed i threw it out after the expansion, not knowing when trasmog was coming.

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I dont think the OP leaves their house much lol


Here you go the original thread on this event from 2008 not sure how many pages in total - over 75. I don’t think this is the apology thread people have been referencing but lots of cancellation posts in there.


Okay well if this mentions nothing about any kind of refund or free game time then it’s not proving anything whatsoever.

I don’t want compensation. I want to be able to level my characters that are trapped in Northern Stranglethorn.

Really? Cause you started crying for it pretty quickly…

It’s an immersive world event marking the invasion of shadowlands. Enjoy it. It’s only ONE WEEK long.

They did better than nothing. They gave us a pretty cool event that gives us something to do. Let’s just afk in stormwind for another week like we have for the past 4 months :roll_eyes:

Cool story bro. Sounds like a super invested person that blizzard should cater to :roll_eyes:

Anyways… It’s one flipping week for an immersive and brand spanking new and unique event. Enjoy it.

I thought it was an interesting read - many of the exact same complaints and many of the exact same if you can’t put up with it for a week you have bigger problems kind of attitude.

You are still free to look for the other. If someone found it for you, you would just dismiss it anyway so it would be pointless.

I would because I’ve already given you the proof and reason of why we got the 3 days free game time.

It was posted to ALL accounts (as per the article I posted) because of server instability issues (three days before the prepatch). The guy even mentions in his post that the servers are still offline.

Since we only got one 3 day free game time in 2008 it would be logical to conclude that the reason we got the game time was due to server issues and not from the zombie event.

I’m not sure why you’re doubling down on this.

Shush Karen.

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That wasn’t proof of anything.

It proved that we got 3 days of free game time because of server issues.

We only had one instance of 3 days of free game time in 2008 so just put two and two together.

Logged in , killed bag rare , went to ah , mailbox , sha of anger , back to icecrown for a few rares , then back to AH , did not see any ghouls or zombies … So far i haven’t see any at all , so i don’t know about a compensation :s

It didn’t prove there was no compensation for other issues.


On this persons post it shows that that the 3 day credit was given before launch date (the article I posted was from 11-11-2008) and he mentions server issues and even the forums being offline.

Then, one month later, because of issues that happened after/during launch, they gave everyone an additional day of free game time. The guy even mentions in his post that blizzard hinted at additional game time coming soon and then that guys free game time showed up in December.

It all lines up and there are no other credits near or around that time.

So yeah, I just kinda put two and two together.

Why would any new player be invested in the game? He got in a few hours of gameplay and has no reason to invest more if it’s not fun.

Supposedly you should want them to enjoy playing so they want to play more, rather than go out of your way to make them want to log out, never login again, and tell everyone they know that the game is trash.

How do you people manage to live your lives if something as simple as this gets you all in a tizzy… holy cheese balls.


Lol now they have to give you free game time because you don’t like the flavor of an event?

I’m a grinch during the holidays, can we cancel them or give me some free game time because xmas ruins my wow game time? Yeah thats how ridiculous this sounds.