If the Zombie event remains as is, we need compensation

If the game’s “ruined”, you go.

Nope. Even if you’re on the countdown, it stops until the flight is ended, then resumes exactly where it was when you hopped on the gryph. Same for portaling - you get the 5 minute countdown.

Although at least the countdown STARTS for Shaie now - last night, I had to toggle it on & off to get the countdown to start after I left SW.


They’re really not though. Took a flight path out to EP yesterday. Was not flagged when I landed.

The zombies come and go in waves. They’re quite easy to avoid.


The tos says no

How many times has that even happened?

I’m pretty rude on the forum and I fight people 24/7 and no one has ever said that to more and if they did I wouldn’t care about what those lambs have to say


Yeah no. See post above.

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This event mainly hurts those seeking to socialize in peace, being one of those individuals for the past few months prior to the event I agree regarding compensation. With what little free time some people have, they may choose to spend it just chilling, but with an event that encourages what can only be described as “company sanctioned griefing”, it’s very difficult to just chill in gs or outside sw gates with your mates.

The counter-argument of “oh you can just logout till shadowlands” is dumb because once SL is here the people most effected wont be around the social areas because we’ll all be in the shadowlands until the next content drought.

edit: grammur


They have to force pvp because there are simply not enough players who voluntarily want to do it.


No, you go. Rawr!!

I still have hope, while people like OP try to tear it down even more.

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Enough times I decided it was time to block the ability to see me writing a reply.

Unfortunate side effect is it makes my entire profile private. I have nothing to hide in my post history. People know I’m a snarky person.

Then they have hope. See how that works, genius?

No. No you’re not and you know it. How do people manage? I got turned once in SW. I zombie kamakazied myself, spirit rezzed, mounted up, flew to the flight master, and went to EPL where I got a nifty bow of Nathanos. FYI, by the time I landed, WM had nearly fallen off.

We roflstomped the zombies there too. While there were some opposite faction casualties, it seems that when it comes to the Scourge, both Horde and Alliance players are willing to set aside their differences and pew pew zombies back into the ground.

Also, most of your story is BS. Portals remove the debuff. Flying removes the debuff. I haven’t tested yet, but I’d be willing to bet hearthing removes the debuff.

Also, making sure you have PvP toggled off will drop you from warmode in 5 minutes.

Point is, as annoying as it is, it is perfectly and very quickly avoidable with minimal fuss.


I don’t, friend. Please explain to my simple brain how this works. Wahhhh

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The amount of people out in ice crown farming mobs and doing quests leads me to believe that lots of people are in fact enjoying this.

and I mean if your friend can’t understand that a once in a decade event is happening and that it might change gameplay for a week. I don’t know how you explain anything to a person like that so good luck


cry moooooooooooore.
Just another “i cant understand this is supposed to be an INVASION” crying thread.


I will be honest, I’ve only seen TWO zombies (although both were before part 2) and I killed them (on two characters) and got a quest item. I’ve tried to kill them on Shaie & Solanne, but I can’t find any. They’re all in IC now, farming the blue & green thingies for gear.

I don’t like being force-flagged. That is my only issue with the event. That said, I got the aitch-eee-double-toothpicks out of Dodge & went to have the fun I want to have. However, apparently I am VERY lucky to be ABLE to do that as I’ve seen many players with the same issues OP has described - there is literally NOWHERE they can go that’s not infested with Zombies/Infected NPCs.


Every response I’ve made in Zombie threads is about this one issue. The lack of problem solving ability among the player base. Congrats for doing what is plainly obvious to me, and I suppos not so obvious to others.

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So many snowflake tears in this game, yes QQ more your tears sustain me.


I have yet to see this everywhere people complaining about. /sigh/ I’ve been all over azeroth mount farming, leveling,etc.

Only place I seen a horde of them is in org. Which is avoiable.


I believe you’re actually the first.