If the horde are not going to try and help balance the faction issues

Flag yourself on a pve server, it’s even more random than on a pvp server.

I play both for different reasons.


From what I’ve seen of your posts you’re not one of the people crying.

No, was trying to explain where they are coming from. I get it, but meh… I come from a time when pvp was real pvp lol. Legit free for all from level 10 even your own faction killed you. Was nuts.

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I think we may be more in agreement than it appears.

Except they aren’t transferring to HS- the ones that can. A lot of Horde like to act like they would be fine being in the situation Alliance are in on almost every pvp server- but next to none of them are actually proving it.

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Don´t be to sure about that.

My Horde faction was outnumbering Ally in Vanilla and with xrealm, we moved from queue time of 30+, to instant queues.

My Ally had instants, now 60 minutes.

Don´t underestimatet the huge amount of ally on pve realms, my Horde toons only see dead NPC´s, as they outnumber us by so much on PVE. It´s hard to quest for us on Horde.

Stop asking individuals to solve the demographic imbalances caused by blizzard.

Better yet stop asking Blizzard to solve the alleged imbalance issues caused by individuals.

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Rallos Zek?
That server was crazy.

Mordred on Dark Ages of Camelot all day!

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Blizzard restricting player choice would bite em in the butt… there isn’t much Blizzard can do about Classic imbalance 2bh. Retail they can and do offer incentives to help the balance, they can’t here.

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“The Horde” is not a governmental agency that can order changes to the game. Just like Alliance, it represents thousands of players who have chosen the faction they wanted to play for their own reasons, and make their gameplay choices based on what feels like fun.

You can’t expect maybe millions of individuals to stop having entertainment for fun and switch to making sacrifices for the greater good. It’s just not going to happen.

Blizzard blew this. Blame Blizzard.

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Blizzard did not blow this. Players did. Players chose where to play. Blizzard didn’t. They DID post about faction balance and server wait times tho! Cause they knew what was gonna happen and that they couldn’t do anything. This is player’s fault, not Blizz’s.


If it makes you feel better to blame “players” for choosing options that should never have been available to them, then go ahead and make the feelgood choice.

Blizzard needed to make some hard decisions about server population growth and faction balance before they ever opened servers for new characters. The fact that they failed this is not players’ fault.

It is not reasonable to expect hundreds of thousands to millions of other players to take one for the team and stop playing with their friends.

Blame whoever you feel like blaming. It doesn’t matter to me if your first impulse is always to blame players for failures of badly-designed or badly-implemented games and features.

So you’re saying Blizzard should not let people play the faction they want because a bunch of morons are crying about pvp? Yes, that’s a great idea.


Lmao you think blizzard limiting player choice is the answer… mkay cupcake. Blizzard warned people what could happen. People didn’t listen. People made their choices. This is what happened. PLAYERS did this despite being warned. And it’s not their fault. Yup, moron here… not even gonna try and explain basic consequences to you that my 6 year old gets. Good damn, derp clown.

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I can’t wait :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Funny how some window lickers don’t understand that pve realms will be in the same queues as pvp realms.

Blizzard had the choice of setting up faction queues and warning people in advance that their faction was oversubscribed on the server they were choosing, which could result in login queues.

That’s one they they could have handled it.

People could have been notified well in advance so they could have made informed decisions on which server and faction they would roll on. Despite faction imbalance issues throughout the history of the game, they decided to do nothing even if faction imbalance went all to hell.

The idea that “now that we know what we know we can blame players who had no way of knowing exactly what was going to happen in the future” is utter dreck. Simply knowing that 1 of 100 possible outcomes may occur does not give anyone enough information to make informed choice.

And that’s the issue. People didn’t know what was going to happen. Now you’re blaming people because god forbid blizzard should take responsibility for a gigantic series of mistakes they have made which will pretty much wreck the game.

Go roll Alliance and convince 500k of your best friends to do so. No? It’s your fault then.

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