If tanks aren't gonna tank in AV

You’re just trying to bed me at this point =P


We dont know each other that well.

I just dont understand the whole situation, does not make sense.
How do you get mad at a clothie running out rather than getting beat to pulp, when armored melee are not getting her attention?

I too miss TBC.

? misdirect does not exist here?

I have not played a hunter yet, only my druid so far

Nope. Its such a fun spell too :confused:

Oh, ok.
Well scratch the misdirect, but they do have traps
and dont they have the shot that stuns or discombobulates you?

Most boss mobs are immune to Scatter Shot. They can taunt with Distracting Shot but its hardly helping anything in this particular context, its usually only used to pull adds into traps and such.

I guess if i ever rank on mine i will use it if i see some dimwit Lock running bosses out on purpose but as soon as the effect is gone if noone else taunts you’re screwed.

Seems anything would be useful, we are talking about 20+ people pulling aggro from 1 warlock.
But then again, it seems like the boss should have already had several
armored persons up higher on her threat table to begin with, unless you get a really unlucky BG makeup.

30 priests and a rogue LOL

Considering about 50% of the Horde is made of Orc Warriors its unlikely for them to ever get a game without any lol.

But as i said above i still think resetting the bosses is just petty. When you queue AV you know you’ll be stuck with randoms. Expecting random people to push their buttons is setting yourself for disappointment.

Yea, but if she is sitting there getting the crap pounded out of here
While the plate crowd kind of watches, so to speak, i would kind of expect her to run out?

Mages can go to ice, priests can bubble up, i am resto but i can stack some HOT’s quick and drop to bear, and live a while, or if someone heals me, just stand there and take the aggro, locks dont really have a “come beat on me” mechanic do they?
They have the voidie for that, but cant use him doing bosses

It’s not really to be petty. It’s the only recourse I have available that has a direct influence on the others I share the game with. It’s a multiplayer game, this argument that somehow because it’s a pug means their play doesn’t directly impact me if they aren’t doing what they SHOULD be doing, in the match we SHARE, really doesn’t hold water. It’s not just MY game, it’s theirs, too. Iron sharpens iron, and if it takes tough love and something impactful to their time to get the message across, then that’s what it takes.

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Careful, he’s a player.

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WoW the estimated read time feature of the forum is pretty cool yo!

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yes they do you silly silly Sally

mmmmmm tell me more

At least my curse of shadows would get a lot of mileage.

Taunt can resist and it’s based on spell hit. The marshals do have a cleave, so it IS a big deal if you pull aggro as you can kill others as well as yourself.

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So, 30 priests and a rogue walk into the Grim Guzzler, and the parrot says…

this isent retail idiot manage your aggro’s

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First off, no need to be rude. Second, if you’re going to insult someone’s intelligence then try to do it without looking dumb yourself.

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