If tanks aren't gonna tank in AV

I would love to tank, if anyone would actually turn target’s target on and heal the tank.

You can’t treat some random tank in an AV match the same as you would your MT in a raid. Chances are they may have 2% hit and will get lots of misses, taunt resists, and be rage starved. Do yourself a favor and monitor your aggro on tiny threat with random pug tanks. You set expectations too high and you get yourself killed cause of it. Also healers rarely ever heal tanks in AV either so tanks dont want to tank…

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You pulled aggro, suck it up and die.

I bet you’re a gem to deal with in raids, my guess, you run away from the tank when you pull aggro, you’re one of those people.


Thought taunt resist was based on melee hit…

Wait till this idiot gets into BWL, let’s just keep the lul’s a secret until the lock figures it out.

Mydotscrit sounds like one of those spoiled entitled dps that assumes the raid revolves around them. If tanks aren’t taunting then adjust your dps accordingly. But that would also require more intelligent play, something the lock seems incapable of understanding. I also like how the lock assumes there are 9 tanks. Just because you see a warrior or doesn’t automatically mean they’re prot or trying to tank. Bla bla bla me me me.

Again, these are really basic mobs. They don’t hit that hard, but on Horde only warriors wear plate. So they are best suited to tanking these very basic, relatively weak mobs. They do not need to be prot spec, or even in tanking gear. A warriors dps gear is still going to have more armor and health than a warlock. There are also many of them. When they go the entire fight without even a taunt cast, or a hamstring applied, that’s just lazy. Time is a factor in these games, and quite often it is the case that you will face a premade that is actually good, and all your team can hope for is to kill as many bonus honor npcs as possible before the match closes. Missing, sure, it happens. But with multiple warriors in the mix, it shouldn’t be an issue. All these arguments are really weak. You’re all basic saying “do less if others around you won’t do more.” And that’s a pretty sad commentary. It is probably a generational thing.

They actually hit VERY hard. Compared to raid mobs where you can plan out healing assignments etc before fight begins, sure they don’t hit very hard. But when you are talking about AV situation where nothing is usually assigned, and you have to HOPE someone actually heals you, then yes they do hit really hard.

And you have to respect the source to even be insulted, lol… :heart_eyes:

They just straight up objectively do not. I think you are referring to marshalls and the general, which I never brought up. Not talking about them, should be obvious, they can’t even be slowed. I’m talking about the LTs, commanders, and captain. They can all be cc’d. They do not hit very hard. And even if you can’t hold threat, the least you can do is keep them hamstrung. Balinda, too. She can be pummeled, kicked, crippled, hamstrung, and kited around her wall. I am specifically referring, as I have made abundantly clear in several posts, to these mobs, and talking about these cases (often, more often that not) when NONE of these abilities are used thru the entire duration of the fight. These are the times when I will just exit the bunker. I don’t want to lose my buffs just because people won’t bother to perform at the most basic level. Again, these are not just MY games. You aren’t doing this FOR me. It’s your match, too.

You have two jobs.

  1. DPS
  2. Don’t pull aggro

You failed at half your job.

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In my experience the healers are too busy dpsing to heal the tanks.
Everytime I’ve gotten no heals, now I just sit back and watch.

You’re wrong, due to how the taunt mechanic works. It’s why people do “precast pulls” in speed runs. It’s a free spike of threat… IF a tanker ACTUALLY USES TAUNT. LOL

Again, learn the BASIC game.

If YOU knew the basic game, you would know that Taunt doesn’t generate any threat, it just moves you to the top of the stack for 3 seconds.


Imprecise, have fun failing in BWL.


[Taunt] gives threat equal to the highest player on the threat table, as well as giving aggro (which would normally require 110% threat to get mob focus). This threat does not expire, however the tanking player will need to maintain threat to prevent other players from exceeding 110% of their new threat level. Keep in mind that using this ability while you already have mob focus (and/or equal threat from the highest person on the threat table) will have no effect .

Pertinent information in bold.
So no, it does not generate threat.



You absolute nonce. THIS THREAT, that it GIVES YOU, DOES NOT EXPIRE.


Actual reading comprehension.

Holy hell, BRUV. AHAHAHAHAHAHHA nice self-own.

Yet you ignore the last sentence…

You should probably try reading the whole thing.


And this is assuming the champion lock is the only dps in the raid who thinks he has some type of moral right not to control his aggro.

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That has NOTHING to do with a situation where either A: A dps precast a nuke, and THEN you taunt, GRANTING you this threat spike, which DOES NOT EXPIRE. Or B: When someone PULLS threat, and then you taunt, and it GIVES you this threat which does not expire. That only applies when you ALREADY HAVE THREAT, of course you wouldn’t taunt when you ALREADY HAVE AGRO! LOL!!! It is completely irrelevant to the argument. LMFAO.