If someone like Pikaboo can climb to the top of shuffle, does that mean shuffle rating is real?

How well does that work for carpel tunnel?

Both of my hands are in a vertical position when playing which is supposed to be ergonomically correct

Wait vertical how?

Like thumbs to the sky instead of parallel to the desk

Wouldn’t your elbow have to go up too?

No https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4mJDWnczzFU

It’s always the 1200 nobodies that consistently make excuses for why they are bad it’s wild.

Pika has been getting rank 1’s consistently since he was in like 5th grade bro.

He does it on every spec in any bracket. Say what you want about the dude but to pretend like he isn’t an all time great at the game is actually just so delusional.

As if the mouse he uses is why he’s good? I’d say Pika has one of the more bare bones UI of any good player i’ve ever seen. Dude used classic party frames (no raid frames) for his teammates for his entire career until dragonflight.

Love him or hate him, where anybody gets the audacity to question the greatness of Pikaboo is truly insane.


Your wrist is supposed to be straight and your elbow is supposed to be in line.

Oh i see what you mean. Elbow being in line with your forearm is a seat height/desk height thing. The design of the mouse & keypad lets me keep my wrists straight.

Tbh it’s not the mouse that gives you an advantage, it’s those gaming mouse pads. Recently switched to one and the difference is huge.

No shot someone will go as far as saying the dude has an mmo mouse to discredit his accomplishments. People will make up any excuse as to why they are hardstuck holyyyyyyy lol

people acting like they’ve never said anything wrong before. lets stop dog piling on this guy, i think he gets it.

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Rookie numbers

Youve never had the tragedy of 2100s down to 1600s cause of insanely unlucky matchups and incompetent healers

I dropped from like 2600 to 1800 during the ret apocalypse lol. I was queuing on day one of their rework.

We all did

I had only 1 day to get 100 wins cause they LEGIT SAID PENNANT WAS THE REWARD FOR LEGEND and i was 67/100 and couldnt take the rets any longer

Tfw they show a reward 1 day before patch ends

Yeah, for most specs the best way to climb was not to play. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I just wanted to play. And I had the belief that you could queue through anything and eventually learn how problem solve it.

Oh yeah I forgot they did that.

Kind of tragic that, often, the best way to climb is just
to sit. :dracthyr_a1:

Okay so, you keep saying climb. And I keep saying I just want to play the game. Idk I guess I could go into more detail, but I feel like that should be enough.

By my calculations, Normal players climbing will be sacrificing 33.3333333 to Skynet and the Gladiator Mafia. So as long as you are on average 2 out of 3 matches coming ahead, you should be climbing ok.