If someone like Pikaboo can climb to the top of shuffle, does that mean shuffle rating is real?

If a player like Pikaboo can climb to be the at very top, consistently, does that not prove that the rating system is appropriate to skill level?


I would like to see him take a 1200 disc priest in blues with no addons and a normal mouse to 2400.

There are advantages you can assign yourself, that catapult you beyond the uninitiated. I would like to see him uninitiated.

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hasn’t he done basically this? those dudes play zoomed in/blindfolded/alt-z and farm people all the time

pikaboo doesn’t really play with addons and why would he be in blues and why does mouse matter?

what to you mean normal mouse?

Well you also gotta factor in they can queue with a TON of people, friends, stream fans, people that give them the wins… All bout dem subs n donations.

All season they have the queue system down to a science, groups in the same match in discord together… it is what it is.

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ok a little to much tin foil hat maybe tone it back a little


Wild card elephant in the room is SKYNET, new to the scene, Terminator automated rotations and shady things… Unless Blizz does something next season is gonna be weird and wild lol.

I assume they mean a mouse that is not like any of these…

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Love the Naga myself.

a mouse really doesn’t do anything major. if anything a gaming mouse can give you carpel tunnel on your dominant hand lol. assuming you use your dominant hand, for your mouse.

Lets be real bro we got matched together at 1900 a couple of weeks ago. I don’t believe it works that well… :laughing:


I have the wireless pro. Will never be able to go back to a 2 button mouse. Even bought one for the work computer.

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we did?

yea bro unless there’s another Swole out there on emerald dream


So when is the actual cutoff this season, no more ratings?

not to talk trash, cause it was fun playing against you…but i 6-0 that lobby.

LOL you remember? I dropped from 2020 :frowning: in 1 night to 1800.

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He is usually on stage in Org giving sermons to the masses, and drawing people into big debates about crazy stuff lol.

He gets em riled up, I SEEN it lol.

ye. was a gg man. i was like, thats berzz from the forums.

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