If someone like Pikaboo can climb to the top of shuffle, does that mean shuffle rating is real?

(mmr inflation is literally the stupidest thing ever and no other game does it on the planet for a reason)

who said that, must’ve been the wind

He is in the ban all addons in pvp camp so i dont think he would care

Using a mouse with more than 2 side buttons should be classified as cheating.

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Biggest cheating mod in NA:

Ok is that what’s going on? Does seem like there’s a lot of cheating but idk

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Well used to you could see them and tell fast, but Skynet’s NEW models, they can think on their own, and are hard to distinguish from real people.

I feel like if you play all the time you would climb to your appropriate rating. There are occasional matches that pull you down like someone afking a game while on your team or a really bad lobby for your spec but in general you reach your appropriate rating after so many games played.

After the season ended last night, i decided to try some lfg 2s played 1 game with a healer left after 1 win and realized why i dont q 2s or 3s anymore.

regardless if people dont think solo shuffle rating matters, i cant ever see myself going back to lfg or bothering with it, unless im forced to do it but at that point I’d just quit.


Exactly they can yell all day long that the old LFG 2s/3s system is for “skilled” players all they want, no one cares, everyone is enjoying shuffle, even the big streamers.

DEAD brackets no one cares about anymore… Shuffle Needs that Glad mount added to it… Give old LFG system an achieve with a participation battle pet lol.