If RPPVP servers are only a niche

Then how is it that Emerald Dream is one of the most populated servers?


Well, there’s not much RP there so it’s more of a PVP server.

Or at least it was.

There was a ton of RP on RPPvP servers, it had a loyal following and community. But its also open to people who don’t RP as much, which is okay. Dwarf Guilds vs Orc Clans in open world pvp. I want that on my server.


When WoW was great years ago, there were many RP guilds on there that pvped.


Well, to be fair, modern WoW isn’t exactly friendly to RP’ers so I can see why the population would have declined.

Classic is perfect though. There’s plenty to do, but there’s not so much that if you’re not doing it you’re failing like in Retail. Also no arbitrary two-year time limit to do what’s probably four or five years’ worth of content.


Exactly. I remember Clan Battlehammer marching through SW then riding off to raid Org.


Clan Battlehammer!

We are definitely going to need an RP-PVP server. Make it happen Blizzard.


They still do this and it’s always cool to see and be a part of. I think they’re the coolest WPvP/RP guild on ED, no question.


ED is mostly social guilds these days. RP has always been niche, but it’s gotten much more niche than before. WoW has seen a massive decline in the quality of roleplay over the past 4 to 5 years. Infact, from what I’ve personally observed, that quality decline is not exclusive to WoW.

Keep in mind, Society is in a turbulent time at the moment, both on the net and IRL. Polarizing concepts have arisen and caused many to swing towards a certain extreme or another. Social media is effectively a cess pool as a result. Unfortunately, many people who were interested in story telling and ran once-thriving rp guilds (that I knew of) have quit the roleplaying scene because more extreme people have flooded into these sort of communities. It scares people off.

I’m afraid that roleplay will remain very much a niche appeal as long as people on the extreme side dominate a lot of these communities. It won’t happen for a while yet until society calms itself or these sort of people become the minority.

(I’m not referring to political extremism, btw, although that is certainly a factor)


Emerald Dream was so successful that it absorbed all of the other RP-PVP servers.

I think they don’t understand what happened to The Venture Co., Twisting Nether, Ravenholdt etc.

Those people all went to Emerald Dream because salt is the most fun thing to farm.

Would be a big mistake and a wasted opportunity to not have one RP-PVP server in NA and EU.


Salt mining is indeed fun, just bring plenty of water and you will be fine. Don’t want to get too much salt and be parched.

To point to an example of a sort of extremist mindset… There is currently a guild on a certain server, Wyrmrest Accord. I obviously can’t say the name of the guild, but I can say that they are a multi-gaming community. They run their community like a cult. They have a communications ban rule where if you slight them and then leave on even slightly bad terms, no one in the guild is allowed to talk to you without being punished (Even if they are an IRL friend or spouse. Yes, this circumstance has come up a couple of times) . You can see how this is indeed cult-like and pretty extreme. You may think this is an exaggeration? I really wish it was, boy do I wish it was.


Thats not just a feature of World of Warcraft too. It is inevitable that RP servers tend to merge together. In SWTOR for a while there were 2 RP servers, Bergeren Colony and Ebon Hawk. Bergeren Colony began hemorrhaging players to the Ebon Hawk server because the RP community was more active and the RP events were more fun. That is ultimately what ends up happening with RP servers, the server gets a reputation and there is an exodus of like minded RPers who want to be in the same community.

If Blizzard just adds just one RPPvP server from the start then they won’t have to worry about the ‘Niche Market’ shrinking since they will all be on a singular server anyway and the like minded RPers will already have a place to go


And yet Ebon Hawk is a dead server again anyway.

The matter is that the RP landscape has changed drastically in the past few years. Not as many people do it anymore, whether because of lack of time due to IRL circumstances (The most likely candidate) or because of being scared off by the toxicity prevalent in many RP communities these days.

SWTOR obviously isn’t the best candidate for this sort of talk though, since SWTOR is a dead game anyway.

Modern WoW also has far too much content to do, so take that into account as well.

Role players can be some of the nastiest people to be around.

There was an Alliance player on Emerald Dream who reported everyone who didn’t have an RP name. There was a public list of who has been reported and the reason, encouraging others to also report them.

Those people are toxic and usually their rules are nonsense. This charcter’s name I am posting on is just the generic German word for hammer. It would pass the RP name zealot test though, even though Tauren do not speak German.

The good things about RP-PVP servers outweigh the bad though.

RP-PVP is where you get those fun things like an all Rogue guild on both factions that specializes in contract hits on players. Arrangements made in a sketchy tavern in the middle of nowhere of course.


The only real way to PLAY classic wow is to RP-PVP that is… Unless you’re on a normal server :x.

IF we are a niche, then RP-PVE is a NICHE OF A NICHE (I kid.)


Because all the other former RPPvP servers are dead and there were very few of them to begin with. They had one populated RPPvP server and the rest were dead, they simply think that there won’t be enough interest to even have one popular RPPvP server in Classic.

Inb4 I’m accused of hating RPPvP servers, when it’s the only server type I’ve played on my entire 13.5 years of WoW.

Devils advocate would say that you cherry picked the one populated server while the others are quite in a different situation.

A better argument would be: because Emerald dream is such a success it shows that there should be atleast one RP-PVP server at launch.

Hello! I Am Teemo, God of Gnomes and Mightiest warrior to ever walks this earth!

If RP-PvP servers are so niche, why did an online survey of 15,000 players indicated significantly more interest in RP-PvP than RP-PvE? :open_mouth:

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