If populations fail to meet expectations, I think its because SoD missed the point of classic

No you misunderstand. SoD is not meant to preserve Era. That is Era, which exists. SoD is to create a new experience using the 1.14 client base. And they were very up front about their plans and intentions.

Your entire post is a misguided complaint that you don’t personally like the things they did. Heck some of the things you ask for ARE IN SOD ALREADY. your post is a meandering mess that basically boils down to you aren’t happy and you want something else. Sounds like time to play a different game.

I’m not reading all that.

I’m happy for you though

So sorry that happened

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Never said its meant to preserve era, right? Sounds like you’re taking your interpretation of what SoD is meant to be and assuming it to be correct. SoD is meant to be a new experience, yes. That’s obvious. But my interpretation is that its meant to build upon classic. Meant to take the core soul of classic and build new content from it. Considering the response for some balance requests people put forth is “there’s other versions of classic for that kind of balance” makes me think they’re thinking the same thing. But ultimately there’s no confirmation whether they’re approaching SoD from my interpretation of staying “true” to the classic feel vs your interpretation of not doing so.

Your replies are a meandering mess that basically boil down to “I’m right, you’re wrong cause I said so”.

No my replies are you should probably read what the devs have to say before spouting off. I also really love the idea that you just start woth sod being below expectations. Sounds like you came to some bad conclusions.

you should bro, he did a good job

You ever stop and think that maybe this is the way the majority of players like to play now?

It isnt 2004 anymore.

What if youre in the minority on what you think the game needs?

Anyone who types “just let them take flag and move onto the next game” after the first team fight has earned the honor of being yelled at.

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Mind you when its been 10 minutes and no more than 2 players have crossed mid all game somtimes a lost cause is simply that… best put it out of misery

2.6k views on SoD pre-obituary number 18 hehe, very ‘I’m not dead’ monty python feels.

They did, its Stratholme / Scholomance. Easy with 10, challenging with 5. They even add a timer and bonus rewards with the Tier 0.5 class sets. They could just apply the same approach to, say, BRD or DM. Even LBRS / UBRS ahd the option between 15 and 10 iirc.

in what vanilla was this? because it was never the case, every class had the one mandatory spec, the rest weren’t even memes, and you only got invited because it was hard to fill up 40 people, when you could stack classes you did. It also *seemed that way because there was a balance update every other month so balance was a rollercoaster and thus whatever was good varied every other month.

challenging 20 years ago when no one had ANY knowledge or skill in this game, today its a joke. in classic it was a joke.

true, they could, and i dont see why they shouldnt

the original vanilla, where every class got to go, and people didnt have to bribe raids to take XYZ class with gold.

and they all got to go to raid.

see, nowhere in your retort were you able to deny that all classes came to raid, and that none of them had to pay gold or IRL cash to get into a raid.

I was logging on 5 alts in phase 1. I’m now logging on 0 characters and enjoying Dragonflight instead as P2 is mid.

Content is not releasing fast enough and hotfixes/rune tunings are taking way too long.

Comparing SoD to actual classis is such a stupid take and people need to understand that. ITS NOT CLASSIC and wasn’t meant to be classic. STV is a pvp event, Rogues can tank, Shamans can tank, Mages can heal, and so much more that makes it NOT classic. STOP comparing the 2… its literally pointless and if you want classic get off SoD and go play classic like a degen

What client do you load to play SoD?

This whole season is a beta for Classic+ to begin with. Just go play retail it’s far superior in its current state than SoD in its current state anyway

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not even going to argue this stupid take. The game IS NOT classic anymore in SoD. And retail is not superior IN MY OPINION and plenty of other peoples opinions as well.

they were nerfed for the patch version that classic launched as.

nowhere in your retort were you able to deny that all classes came to raid

Not true depending on patch. Everybody got to raid MC… when BWL launched because it was always easy content and had been left long behind since. And then raids kept getting nerfed and classes kept getting fixed.

But more importantly, it wasnt a design thing. It was a playerbase thing. People back then didnt care as much about performing as they do now.

Than why are you even here if you want a worse version of the same games features in SoD?

This gameplay loop already exists in retail and has no place in Classic. Whether you like it or not you are a tourist here. Begging for water to be dry or the sky to be pink isn’t going to make it a reality.