If populations fail to meet expectations, I think its because SoD missed the point of classic

I didn’t even bother reading most of this . People that push metas, logs , or gatekeep in the moat casual dad version of a 20 year old game is pathetic. This isnt classic. People shouldnt be coming here to play classic.

Also gunna note gnomer can be cleared in whites with 6 melee in the group. People that need meta comps are terrible

You do get sod isn’t classic…

Why do all you classic Andy’s not get this…

I am betting the biggest reason for problem is because the balance is such a disaster.

If retail was doing good everybody wouldnt be swarming this mid version of the game.

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Not good, just only. People equate raiding with server population and are highly mistaken. Many people may have already gotten bis on their toons and just stopped raiding to avoid burnout. People need to understand, wow is not just a raiding game. Pvp exists, professions exist, leveling exists, farming mats and auction hoise market flipping exists, pull your head out of your butts with your single mindedness and learn something

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SoD missed the point of SoD.

Where are the new, fleshed out storylines, conclussions to abandoned quest lines from vanilla or renovations to empty or underused areas? Where are the new leveling dungeons? Runes are good and all but most are just Wrath / Retail spells out of context, and they’re hugely hit or miss like the warrior runes compared to the shaman ones.

Dungeon itemization is still its original, horribly lackluster incarnation instead of the much better version we got for TBC. Everything still feels just as half-baked and rushed as it felt during Vanilla, just with runes on top. So its no wonder people who wanted Classic+ are dissapointed and leaving, this is just Era with an xp buff and random extra abilities sprinkled around.


True. However. They are not wanting to play actual classic…

I just play it and hope they using “seasons” as a way to research what all to do later with newer/revamped iterations .

As long as they make dedicated servers for them to stay around after the seasons are over. I’ll play them all at some point

Your average player is not going to complete Gnomer without the significant stamina buffs that come with gear.

The amount of time I have spent globetrotting for runes, for a sleeping bag, or doing quests for gold/completionism doesn’t line up with this.

Now that SoD is objectively worse than OG Classic I think a lot of folks are gonna go back to retail/era/XIV/other games in general.

Sod isn’t worst than classic or retail…

Honestly they all have their own merits and their own issues that make some people not want to play them

The whiners is what kills this game. Instead of trying to figure out a way to defeat a person or a boss encounter they whine want everything nerfed then complain about something else

I mean this with 100$ honesty from somebody who plays the WrA/MG PvP cluster, what really does SoD bring other than new?

STV is a great event, but tbh its literally just a badly coded recreation of conquest WPVP zone events.

For me its just Classic again, but with even worse balancing. I highly doubt they plan to actually work on fixing PvP either. Theyll just leave it an old school sandbox mess. I might be being a bit too pessimistic tho.

18 years ago, yea. Now, its kind of already been decimated by corporate suits for 10 years. The DF redirection back towards how the game used to be is a nice touch imo.

Im hopeful for SoD, this toon alone has like 29 days played,and I got 5 others, but yea man. They need a strong phase 3 that isnt just another raid log classic phase.

And what will you write if SoD exceeded expectations?

This was never the point of SOD, it was clearly stated that it wasn’t the point. People knew this going into it. If you want Era it’s right over there. See you.

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Where has it been clearly stated what the point is?

Literally the moment we heard about it. All over the promotional materials. In all the dev updates and posts. Like I knew going into SoD that this was meant to be upgrading the Era version of the game with new secrets, loot, raids, content, spells, abilities, and features. And that it wasn’t meant to be Classic Era Redux.

ok so im on your side, but id like to point out people were raiding on 2-5 alts in P1 because it was so easy to hit lvl 25 and raid. leading to skewed numbers.

your 100% correct, if they made some semi hard and some hard 5 man dungeons and thats where you got some nice alternative gear youd see a lot of happy people.

its long past time we stopped using WCL, it should be banned. i dont say this as a grey parser either, im purple / orange / pink

Rogue tanks are good vs physical damage, REALLY good, but no one plays a rogue to tank.
healing mages are actually pretty cool, but the whole healing mage system just feels WAY too powerful.

honestly not really. too many runes, and its very clear the devs love to work on some classes (cool runes, good runes, effective runes, runes that work together, cool weapon skins, runes actually have an animation)
vs other classes who only have 1-2 good runes, no cool runes, 1 effective rune, no runes that work together, no cool weapon skins, and almost none of their runes have an animation -lol rogues mutilate doesnt have an animation-)

they’re interesting for sure, the issue is that these world events gut BGs, massively increasing que times, and destroying pvp communities along the way.

your 100% on all these, vanilla balancing (say what you will) allowed all classes to attend raids without some classes having to beg, or pay gold to go.

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Why do they have to be exclusive? Why does putting in features/content that is in line with what made vanilla classic “memorable” automatically mean it is not considered an upgrade?

What you’re describing is literally what I suggested. They’re just two different ways to go about it. New secrets, loot, raids, content, spells, abilities, and features can include all the suggestions I had, no? Just not understanding how those suggestions don’t fall under this umbrella.