If populations fail to meet expectations, I think its because SoD missed the point of classic

The content is enjoyable, classes are fun, runes are fun, pvp is fun, events are fun, raids are fun, its fresh, new, not retail or wotlk do i need to keep going?

where’d you find this info?

literally everyone saw all content in vanilla (if they wanted to) and were not turned away because of their class. why? because they were all needed. Currently we have overlapping classes which makes X class better then Y class because they can do the same thing, but X class can also do buffs, heals, whatever.

back in the day your shamans werent tanks, your warlocks were tanks, your boomkins werent out damaging rogues. as examples. this is what homogenization of classes does to classes. its takes classes that could already do everything, massively buffs them, then leaves all purebreds out to dry.

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But you want WOTLK and retail features?

According to the PvP community discords and posts this seems to be a controversial opinion.

I think you might of got caught up in the streamer hype and don’t know what you are playing.


Didn’t have to read this nonsense to know this a load of cringe

yooooooo Gen Z in the house, what up lil homie?

I dont care what features are in the game if its enjoyable its enjoyable… As someone whos been playing the game since literal week of release in 2004 any sort of new fresh stuff is a good thing and its enjoyable and thats my opinion and i could care less what yours is lol… and i dont watch streamers who play wow because the VAST majority react for the first 55 hours of their stream so youre wrong yet again. And as it may be a controversial topic sure it is still fun in my opinion and AGAIN i dont care about yours

and yet the only non-hybrid was the top damage dealer and whined about until nerfed (hunter). Plus, in classic class stacking was 100% a thing because not of client changes but playerbase attitude changes. Vanilla classic was the sweatiest mess I’ve seen because of how narrow and limited classes were and how poorly thought out scaling mechanics and itemization were. You just didnt see it during actual Vanilla because players were too casual to make a big deal about it, and early content was easy enough you could bring whatever and make it work. But for AQ / Naxx you started to see less and less of certain class/specs and just token presences for buffs / debuffs.

The point was SOD wasn’t supposed to be classic. It just boggles the mind.

for 2 weeks?

we were talking about vanilla, nice not subtle at all try there.

and yet they were all there!

says who? all the dev clips say SoD was supposed to be classic +

Class stacking was not a thing in Classic until Naxx. Even then it was only the speed clearing guilds that bothered, and as a self professed bad player, they wouldn’t have taken you anyway.

Classic had a very strong MS>OS casual pugging scene. I can say for certain that GDKP wasn’t a blip on the map as late as midway P5.

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They said going into this they wanted to stick to the guild and social structures of Classic. Like Nora said, “Classic PLUS so much more” like new skills, raids, and PvP events.

Idk why anyone thinks they would add retail or modern automation when they’ve never eluded to it at all.

I understand you don’t care about culture or other people that’s why I’m trying to understand why you’re here? Why would you want to play a social virtual world MMORPG like SoD if you want retail/XIV automation?

It’s like going to self check out and expecting an employee to scan everything for you. It just doesn’t make any sense.

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Yea GDKP was super minor in OG classic era before TBCC launched. Used to be able to find open MSOS MC/BWL runs any day of the week on a feral with no pummelers. Just 40 folks vibing out in discord watching a movie on the alt screen or listening to a discord bot and killing bosses.

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NOT 1 TIME did i say i want automation from retail or other games in SoD. I said that i enjoy the game for what it is and what theyre trying to do and whats in it currently. I firmly believe that the game should have social aspects such as walking to dungeons, active trade chat not full of bots, looking for group in the LFG channel, guilds, and everything that the old game used to have HOWEVER having fresh takes on runes, classes, raids, pvp, pvp events and everything SoD has and will do is a good thing for the game for people who want to enjoy something new fresh and exciting

the main issue with the post is the misunderstanding that sod is classic.Sod aint classic,it is classic+ thus it has massive changes and more will come.if people want classic,there is classic to play,like 3 versions of it.this is different.

in the end ill fault the player for having false expectations than blizzard on this.

I didn’t realize people like Cataclysm so much.

Yes, that “secret” is that leveling 1-25 is a lot easier and faster than leveling 25-40, so lots of people leveled multiple alts, inflating the raid log statistics.

Which shows us that sod simply does not have the amount of players it did when it launched.

Everyone has 3-5 alts

Every expansion or classic reboot has large drop-off from season 1 or tier 1 to the next. Has nothing to do with SoD itself.