If Pope Francis can support LGBT people

I am talking about the darker sides of religion as a whole. I mean things like cutting off hands, stoning people who are gay, burning witches. Religion sure had some award winning ideas. Hey, lets have another crusade! Those are always fun :slight_smile:

Region has been the source of some of the dumbest things humans have ever done or continue to do.

Edit - and to be clear, I am not blaming all the bad things on religion. We do enough stupid and horrible crap without itā€™s help.

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Wellā€¦ at least the Witnesses donā€™t vote they just tend to shun and disown their family and hate people for wearing rainbow stuff. But most the others that try to put their religious beliefs into politics suck because of how many there are yeah.

Yeah when you study history you can get a bit of a sense of ā€œHey maybe humans were always a dumpster fireā€.

Though I will be fair and note that for all the bad stuff we do, there is plenty of good stuff weā€™ve done.

I wonā€™t disagree with that, but I find one of the darkest parts of religion is the way it can slowly infiltrate and convert a populace - and the laws and rules that are established. Itā€™s far harder to stamp out, especially since those who fall victim to it wonā€™t see off the bat the evils of it - like they would with stoning people, or burning witches.

The tapdancing and mental gymnastics many have to do to justify their belief is pretty ridiculous though. All you have to do is bring up something like Exodus 21, where it specifically talks about how to own slaves. The excuses they come up with are endless.

Oh, youā€™d better believe the extremely religious vote - and many of the most vocal believe Trump is their candidate.

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That defeats the purpose. No company is just going to do it, they have to let everyone know theyā€™re doing it so everyone can marvel about how brave and woke they are.

At the dawn of time, when there were but two humans on the planet, humans have tried to figure out how to kill the other human.

As a whole, we are a rather unpleasant species.

I was going to suggest the same thing. I mean, itā€™s definitely progress for Catholicism, but itā€™s a pretty low bar. Even so, there are people on these forums who canā€™t clear it.

Modern nuclear weapons are just the evolved version of throwing a rock.

Myth of Adam & Eve aside, no creature - regardless of how intelligent - is free from competing against one another. Iā€™d argue humans are one of the few that can be selfless and sacrifice for others.

Oh Iā€™m well aware, would you believe me if I told you my mother believes trump is a president blessed and chosen by God?

Most of the support Iā€™ve seen for Trump have been over policy rather than religious reasons.

If it doesnt matter based on your logic then LGBT+ characters should be part of the story and that the complains about the current inclusions does not have merit and the complain about lack of inclusion does have merit. It if doesnt matter they why not have it in the game in the first place?

Iā€™d also point out the story for certain characters(like the oned with kids) would play out quite differently with lgbt+ couples.

Yes you may. :blush:

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As a LGBTI person there is no need for ā€˜representationā€™ in the game.

Nothing in the game persecutes your lifestyle choices outside of the game. There is nothing in the game that says being LGBTI is bad. Therefore the counterbalance i.e representation is not required.

Take the crusade offline.

It wasnā€™t too long ago they were claiming that black people were descendants of caine and talked about the ā€œcurse of caineā€ and that means they are lower than white folks and deserve to be slaves.

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The pope doesnā€™t trully support LGBT people.

Sadly, yes. Itā€™s not surprising. If they merely looked into it more theyā€™d see heā€™s a liar and a fraud, and goes against what many denominations hold most sacred.

Some of his policies are very conservative religious, and the evangelical angle for Trump is absolutely relevant.

The representation (good representation) is basically a way of showing that they exist, and that itā€™s just part of who they are. Itā€™s the same with protagonists who arenā€™t white - Iā€™ve talked to others about it in the past, and they were right about that too.

And by ā€œtheyā€, you mean Mormons right?

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