I have no problem with inclusion. I do not care that Flynn and Shaw are in a relationship with each other, or that the previous Night Warriors were a gay couple.
I think what some people are having an issue with is how we’re all supposed to stop and clap at how brave and stunning it is that now, finally, there are gay people in Warcraft. How amazing and awesome that it is that black people are in Azeroth now (though I distinctly remember having a couple of dark skinned characters myself. They just weren’t black black.)
If you want between 1.6 to 6.8% of the people in Azeroth to be representatives of the LGBTQ2+ community or whatever the hell it is anymore, feel free. Just don’t expect a round of applause when you incessantly shove it in our noses about how bad we are that we just don’t care.
Unsure if I’d trust blizzard to properly represent LGBT characters. Unless it’s what they did for Tracer.
Representation matters, but don’t sacrifice character development for it. There is an issue in many avenues of media where LGBTQ characters are just stock characters and their defining trait is them being LGBTQ.
The best representation of LGBTQ characters are those who are active and engaged in the story. They spend 95% of their screen time participating in the overall story and 5% of the time kissing their husband or wife.
I’ve used the example of HBO’s The Wire in multiple threads and it’s still a valid example. Some of the best LGBTQ representation on TV. You didn’t even know the characters were gay until they showed small personal scenes.
Also WoW is super light on even straight romance. It’s very hard to find time for two characters to have a nice relaxing date when the world keeps being under attack.
I blame the elves for inviting the burning legion 10,000 years ago.
Yes, Mormons were the ones that used the excuse as of most recent. But protestants and baptists were also known to use it as well as excuses to segregate and enslave.
Good for you - but your opinion isn’t the opinion of the community as a whole. A lack of representation is a good way to reduce exposure, which is a problem.
If the game was meant to escape reality, there wouldn’t be other real-world things added into the game. The argument is that the LGBT representation shouldn’t be political. It should just be there. Many games already have this, but WoW shied away from it until recently.
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28.
I don’t suggest letting Mormons or Christians that lived in the South hundreds of years ago make you think Christianity encourages racism.
They used the slave bible which is propaganda, they did it to make themselves feel better about what they were doing and tell their slaves that what they were doing is Godly, which it wasn’t.
And you don’t represent me. Period. I’m sick of this collective social justice click of the LGBTI community thinking you represent me.
You don’t. You never will. I am an LGBTI person and im right wing as well.
I don’t care about the issues. I don’t care about Stonewall. I don’t care about the members of our community who “fought hard for our rights”.
I literally do not give a rats.
What I care about is that my escape from the real world is exactly that. An escape.
Not a reminder of every issue, every crusade, every bit of tedious crap that different community groups spew forth on a daily basis.
Wow and the real world are two separate entities. If you are so concerned about representation get off your computer, get out their in the real world, and represent.
Don’t force your views on a collective of people who don’t give you or your lifestyle a second thought.
Weren’t Catholic politicians in the US controversial for a long time? Something about their Religion mandating God be above State when it comes to power of a nation.
And neither is your opinion. I don’t see thousands of LGBT people demanding representation in every piece of media they can find. I only see a couple dozen people constantly bugging for it.
If he implied that he did, then by bible standards, he’s a heretic. The text strictly outlaws non-heterosexual behavior, and I believe the verses outlining this can still be found in the bible to this day. The book still hasn’t even amended its acceptance of slavery. I’m an Atheist and read the passages myself.
You’re right it doesn’t. But every single thing in the world doesn’t need LGBTI representation in it. The game in itself is inclusive. It doesn’t matter if your black, white, gay, straight, religious, non religious. If you pay for it you get to play it.
There is your representation. You aren’t discriminated against and told you can’t play the game.