If Pope Francis can support LGBT people

Honestly a lot of religion feels like it was created as either a way to try to explain things we lacked the technology to fully understand or as some kind of screwed up morality guide as written by people hundreds/thousands of years ago.

Well if I’m gonna sin either way, there’s no sense in half arsing it.

If we’re gonna sin, we ought to sin properly.

Especially if we can do a last minute conversion in the event all this stuff really does exist.

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Maybe it was just penned by the Tolkien of their time as an epic fantasy work and it just gained a ravenous fandom.

The historical records two thousand years ago are rather vague.

Either way, I keep my faith as I do. It doesn’t really align with any particular dogma of Christianity, but I don’t really think it needs to.

And when I die, I’ll either find out I was right, find out I was wrong, or find out it’s eternal nothingness - at which point I don’t think I’ll care too much.

Hence the Catholic focus on “Good Works”.

Well, Ralph can still post…

What do you mean? God condemns people for simply existing, if they don’t believe in him, despite never trying to be convincing enough to everyone.

But if you do horrible things and then ask for forgiveness, your sins are forgiven.

Historically speaking, you have to admit it’s highly unlikely that an offshoot Jewish “cult” could survive the ancient world and have so many early believers ardently follow it to their own detriment (i.e. death), only to have it become one of the largest religions on the planet for millennia.

I enjoy the idea that in 2000 years we’ll worship modern day stories.

I’m 100% down for the idea of treating Obi-wan as the new Jesus and spending life trying to achieve the high ground.


God of the gaps fallacy, yeah. It’s been noticeably shrinking as has the religious population in progressive countries (especially in Scandinavia) as we’ve come to learn more. People didn’t like the, “I don’t know” answer so they made their own. Pagan religions had so many different gods to explain all the phenomena after all.

The morality guide is weird though. Some can be argued - don’t eat pork, which could have been dangerous due to improper cooking/storage - but others don’t, like wearing two types of fabrics.

That reminds me of the guy that doesn’t have the heart to tell his mom that her picture of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan on her mantle isn’t a picture of Jesus.


Well if we are going to use religion as our guide to what is acceptable or not, oh man the world just became a very interesting place…

Unlikely but not impossible. Especially if it got enough traction, which it did.

True. Why can either of them?


I would say sexual orientation does, especially considering the story has been HEAVILY influenced by the romantic love of several characters.

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Well the conservative right is trying to do that right now, in many parts of the highest form of government in the US. It’s pretty worrying.

Oh noes you tasted IT! Hurry get some ipecac and expel it! Could be dosed with something.

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Do you think Ewan got a bit of an ego boost when he learned some old lady had been worshiping him for weeks?

Obi-Wan seems like a great role model anyway:

  • Fantastic sense of humour
  • Generally a good person who wanted to help people
  • Suffered several great loses and didn’t lose himself to the dark side
  • Understood the importance of the high ground
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You mean the generation that everyone forgets exists. :pleading_face:

Sigh, another one of these.
How about stop being a wannabe tyrant and stop forcing your beliefs on others.


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I’d say it wouldn’t since the genders and sexual orientations involved didn’t matter, the stories would have played the same if it had been Malfurian and Jared Shadowsong making everyone cringe instead.