If Pope Francis can support LGBT people


No one is against lgbt representation (well, I’m sure someone is, somewhere), they are against the idea of this being something bold and revolutionary. The forums are now filled with threads thanking them as if this changed anything. This is not something new, we got transgender streamers being promoted on the launcher for years.

You are not fighting racism by adding black characters in the game, it is just something normal and expected. You are not fighting for gay rights by including lgbt characters, it is also something normal and expected. Not having black people in the game is not racism, not having lgbt people in the game is not homophobia. The pushback is against all the obsession over the topic.

Stop talking about race, gender and sexuality, leave the politics out. We are tired of your virtue signaling,


That’s a whole other can of worms, and I don’t feel like getting into it here. No, the Catholic doctrine has always been socially reductive. It’s like getting (a certain very bad evil man from WW2) to endorse Judaism. It doesn’t mean anything and you know they’re doing it for ulterior motives if they do it at all.

What you need to understand is… If you’re going to claim to be a moral authority just doing the right thing isn’t enough. You need to do the right thing for the right reason. Not just because it’s convenient.


I certainly can’t fault anyone for thinking that way in light of the recent tragedies of Church leadership. That being said, breaking the law doesn’t invalidate the law, as it were, but trust in the leadership certainly needs to be rebuilt.

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Only if they believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior. That He paid for our sin on the Cross. That He is God. Can’t earn salvation through works. Purgatory doesn’t even exist in the bible.

Also, Mary was blessed among women, not above. She was a sinner like the rest of us.

Making a thread about people complaining is not constructive because it leaves nothing to discuss.

And furthermore, you honestly come across as less than genuine on these topics. I am fairly convinced you just abuse diversity issues to have a soapbox to stand on which if pretty sickening imo.

This right here.

Why tf do you care what a gigantic corporation does for their FotM virtue signaling? You honestly think they really care about you? Just because someone sees right through them doesn’t mean that person doesn’t “support” you.

Can we stop drawing lines in the sand and waving flags please?

This describes so much of human history, though.

Oh crap i’m late to this thread hold on let me go get my snacks.

There i’m all set now

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And see, this is where I jump off the bandwagon.

I’m of the belief that God doesn’t give a damn what you worship - or even if you worship anything at all. All he cares about is if you did good in your life; you brought happiness to people, eased the suffering of others and did more to help than harm.

He’s supposed to be all good, right?

I can’t believe a being that is supposed to be all good would condemn someone to an eternity in Hell because they happened to be Buddhist, or Muslim, or Atheist.

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Well, narrow is the path to salvation. Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life. No man will go to the heavenly Father except through Him.

Yeah, I’m sure he said that. Absolutely positive that’s exactly what he said.

I thoroughly trust that that’s his quote, written in a book penned a century after his death.

I’m not religious but I feel like the basic rule of “be kind to each other” should more or less be enough for any higher being that is, in theory, supposed to be all good and care about us.

and if it’s not, I have some serious doubts about that “all good” claim.


Free will, He set before us life and death. Choose life.

Look up Baptism of Desire and some of the concepts around that. Just offering that as a point of research if you’re interested, since the WoW forums aren’t the best place for these kinds of discussions :wink:

“I give unto you free will. Worship me, or I’ll set you on fire for the rest of eternity. So really, it’s not much of a choice.”

“What about the people who haven’t even had the chance to hear of you?”

“**** 'em.”

I refuse to believe a supposedly benevolent deity would behave in such a manner. It is fundamentally wrong.

As someone who is on the LGBT spectrum let me just say, not supporting pandering is not the same as not supporting LGBT. Can we stop letting companies like Blizzard use us for head pats please?


Tbh his support isnt from a hey guys lets allow them to get civil unions its more eh why do i care what they do.
You gotta choose the cross you want to bare and that cross isnt the popes imo.

God is love. He is also just. People go to hell, because they reject the offer of salvation from His Son. It’s not even your sin that takes you there. It’s that you don’t have perfect righteousness. God the Holy Spirit implants that righteousness in us at the moment we believe in Jesus as Savior.

Your works will be measured at the great white throne room of judgement. You will be found wanting. God cannot associate with anything less than perfection. You rejected Jesus. You won’t make it to heaven on your good works. You wanted separation from God. Well in hell, you get what you want.