If Pope Francis can support LGBT people

Not really. Believe it or not people wrote things down and kept track of history back then. Look up Justin Martyr, St. Ignateous of Antioch, or St. Polycarp for some insight.

Look, King James thought peasants were stupid and just wanted to keep them in line.


As though a peasant would have any sort of inkling as to what a loophole might look like. Perish the thought!

It’s agape love. Unconditional. With that said, it doesn’t have to be a close relationship.

Peter died in Rome.

I am part of LGBT.
I don’t want that nonsense in WoW. It doesn’t belong here.

It also says love them as I love myself.

Which is super creepy and quite possibly illegal depending on how one wants to interpret that statement.

When I say went to Rome, I meant have a ministry there.

Holy hell, will you just shut up already.


Catholics are Christian.

Yea pretty much what Dan is saying. Also he didn’t say you need to add LGBT to every single movie, game, tv-show for “representation!”. Just says they deserve to be in a loving family which I agree with. I am all for allowing gays to be married and not ridiculed but enough is enough.

Just because your gay doesn’t mean your better than anyone else. You allready have an entire month in your honor and entire section of LGBT movies/books/etc. Quit shoving your sexuality into everyone face!


I’m a very bad Christian, then.

I feel people need to meet certain criteria before I feel anything resembling a positive emotion toward them. :thinking:


You can look seriously at the major moral teachings of any religion and learn something from it, regardless of whether you believe it or not. There isn’t a brick wall between faith and reason.

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The Western Schism after Gregory XI - among the other splits in the church, not even including the big split between Catholics and Orthodox - make it hardly a surefire, discreet unbroken line of succession.

There will always be doubt, regardless of how the church has declared things official over the years.

While certainly true…

In recent years, I think the leadership of the Catholic church has kinda lost the ability to be any sort of moral compass to people.

I can do a lot of things. First of all, I can point out that I’m not Catholic. Next, I can point out that even if I were, the Pope should stay in his lane as a religious figurehead and piss off when it comes to U.S. politics since he clearly doesn’t understand the tenets of his own faith. After that, I can declare that I support individuals on their merits, not intersectional alphabet soup movements.


There was no bait on that hook. It was just a hook. THE VIDEO IS A LIE

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I’m assuming you’re talking about the Pope calling out Trump on his inhumane and hypocritical policies regarding migrants? Pope Francis was right to do so.

I’m for everyone existing as they are and I’m for no one needing representation

so much so that I don’t tell anyone I’m lgbtq+, I simoply live my life and don’t let one part of what makes me me, define me. If we want to make a world where everything is normal and natural, then we can’t go around constantly acting like we’re not. at some point we have to be regular so that the rest of the world realizes we are.

constantly drawing attention to an sexuality, gender, orientation, sex, etc, is not seamless, and makes the thing seem abnormal. I have no suggestion except to show other qualities and traits, not just the one identity you’ve given yourself.

all the companies patting themselves on the back or going the extra step for inclusion are not genuine.

no one should need including when we’re all already here. yet by ‘including’ people, it makes it seem like they were people who needed including, instead of just making characters with various traits, values, qualities, etc.

You can literally see the list. The Patriarch of Constantinople was never considered a “Pope”. The schism had no affect on succession.

I’m not saying it’s neat and clean. The papacy moved to France at one point and we had 3 popes at the same time. There were “anti-popes” (doesn’t mean what you think). The popes in the 10th-11th centuries were heathens. Some popes in the renaissance were garbage. However, Catholics are Christians.