If people are guessing the pre-patch drops on the 29th

Probably will be on Thursday next week.

I know zero about PvP but what about this post responding to you yesterday?

I think we can all agree that the “someone” is probably a Gnome :joy:

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Prepatch will not drop until the rep bonus goes away.

No proof that is true the buff could easily be continued into the pre-patch but we should know tomorrow.

There’s nothing requiring them to give any notice at all. Might upset some people but that hasn’t stopped them in the past.


They gave 1 day in like legion or mists or something didn’t they?

Don’t see why not.

Plus it wouldn’t matter much if they did the prepatch on the 29th there would only be 1 more day of the rep buff anyways .

So better to do it on the 29th to give people a full month of pre patch instead of just under 3 weeks.


Well seeming as they said there was going to be two(2) pre-patches, I don’t see why they couldn’t release one this Tuesday and the 2nd the week after.

Through the month of September

 the month
 Through it
 end of september?

Wouldn’t make that much of a difference if they did it the 29th .
Sept only has 30 days . 1 day won’t really be that game breaking.


? What notice

weve been in a SUPER long content drought at this point it doesn’t matter anymore. people that wanted the rewards being removed should of gotten it by now they were given heads up a LONG time ago anyone else trying good luck.

people just tripping out assuming that when pre patch launches that tuning is already complete which isn’t true they ALWAYS do tuning throughout nothing is ever “finished” and that is what people can’t seem to understand.

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The 2nd one will likely be a couple od days before launch.

For as many specs are changing heavily, the earlier the pre patch probably the better

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No reason they can’t continue the buff into the pre-patch. Even it they don’t it would be a whole day and a half lost. :man_facepalming:

arena got its notice when they posted the Prepatch Guide last weekend

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Honestly i just want this painful patch over with Good bye BFA hello shadowlands pre-patch F this

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They kind of already gave the announcement on Monday, when they told the PVP’rs that the current season would end with pre-patch and that there would be a mini-pvp event during pre-patch.

Hopefully that means there is a 2 week window (so pre-patch drops on the 6th) as I am 2k TR away from my final 475 azerite piece and I’ve been saving for it. But knowing blizzard, they will drop it next week and I’ll be screwed out o the piece of gear.