If people are guessing the pre-patch drops on the 29th

That only leaves really today and tomorrow for an announcement. Would they really only give a 2-3 day notice?

29 is probly not the one , it is only 5 days away


At this point, I wouldn’t put it past them to give 4 hours notice.

If they drop it next week, then the arena doesn’t have much notice.

If they drop it on the 6th, then that only gives us 3 weeks of prepatch before launch, as opposed to the normal 4-6 weeks.

Neither is a particularly palatable option at this point for a lot of players. I give it a 60% chance of being next week, 40% chance the following week. Blizz did say, after all, that they want 4 weeks of prepatch. Granted, they’ve said a lot of stuff they went back on over the past couple of years…


If you recall, in late August, a post warned folks the end was neigh. No, Blizz has not been specific on an EXACT date for pre-patch, but at this point, we know the release of 10/26, why does it even really matter?

There are only 3 weeks of Argent content available, and folks are NOT going to be happy running around without their borrowed powers, and without their full capabilities for their classes. Launching Pre-Patch as close as possible to the actual release to give folks something to do is the way to go.

We cannot have it both ways here people… “Delay SL, make it awesome”. “Release PP already I’m tired of waiting”.

It will release when it releases. Just like the game will be done when it is done. :slight_smile:


For the Legion and BfA pre-patches they were announced on Friday and went live the following Tuesday. If you’re talking about the end of season warning that was posted on Monday.


They were given notice on Monday.


(Error): Citation needed.

(Commentary): Humor aside, addressing the point of discussion, I’m hoping for the Pre-Patch on the 29th. Four weeks without borrowed power isn’t as bad as over nine months without any sort of content update to the game. 8.3 was an abysmal patch to go out on, and the sooner it ends, the better. Four weeks of being nerfed will be nothing compared to the 9 months of broken gameplay thanks to corruption.


THing is Arena season ends with pre-patch but they get a bonus season that goes up to the SL launch so a 29th launch wouldn’t affect them to much .


Then I’ll go with “Release PP already I’m tired of waiting”.


do u keep ur arent rating or do u lose it

Like anyone else I don’t know but hopefully the 6th? I was initially thinking the 29th too but that feels way too close.

Then again we’ve got the pre-download done so in theory they could drop it on us anytime.

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Yeah it should be fine. Maybe they will throw out a video today saying “N’zoth drained your power and come the 29th, you will be level 50”. Maybe not but hey I still think it will be the 29th. If it isn’t then it will surely be the 6th.


They best give at least 1 week notice, imo, or they are really going to tick a lot of their hardcore fans off.

Legion’s prepatch had 4 days notice.


We will know by the end of tomorrow. I expect an announcement sometime tomorrow for the 29th.


No sure but I think the Bonus part is where they ear rewards and such so they may still keep their ratings .

Another thing is the Arenas are on their own servers and may have gotten a more advance warning then the general servers did.

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I still think it’ll be the 6th, but I honestly hope you’re right.

Very unlikley last two were announced on Friday and live on Tuesday.

I guess we’ll see! :grin:

Because the bruto goes away, its gonna be a lot more painful I’d suspect…