If people are guessing the pre-patch drops on the 29th

It’s just a list of prepatch information, nothing about when it’s coming

We will know if Pre-patch is coming tuesday by tommow night. if not it’s the 6th the 4 week period starts next week anyways before SL drops.

The pre-patch isn’t just for us. It also gives Blizzard time to fix any glaring issues that pop up when the patch goes live.

We get pre-patch release date on 29th!!

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The traditional “2 week warning” (unofficial player term) of the PvP season announcement dropped on Monday makes it much harder to guess if it’s the 29th or 6th. 2 resets is the 29th but 2 weeks is the 6th.

The 6th btw would be the shortest pre parch we’ve ever had. Ya this one doesn’t have a ton of content but it sure has more than MoP and WoD’s prepatches…

i don’t think it will hit before Oct 6th because 1) brewfest 2) exp and rep buff states it lasts through September

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Why does brewfest have to do with anything? Not like there will be any pressure to run through pre patch content. You won’t have to choose one or the other to do.

I mean part of Hallow’s end is going to run through SL launch which is an actual issue for those who want the mount.

So the rep buff might get cut 2 days short, not a big deal. (It won’t necessarily go away either),

There is no rule they have to give notice. I understand they did that in the past but its not required by any means.

If you go to the PTR the area where the brewfest is is under water and part of the pre patch quest line. Thats what brewfest has to do with it. nevermind the water part is to the west of brew fest, so maybe it will hit the 29th.

Man I really hope pre patch drops this tuesaday bfa needs to come to a end.
Then I can move onto working on getting my alts ready and geared for shadowlands.

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Not even 2 days just 1 day . The 29th is on a tuesday and September ends the next day

Plus since WoW is a global game they never said what part of the world through the end of September was.

SL comes out the 26th in the U.S. and LA but most of Europe and Asia on the 27th of October but all are getting it at the same time.

It’s the same notice every other prepatch got. After all these years, you should know what to expect when that blog pop ups.

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Yeah, this past Monday.

That arena notification people are talking about didn’t actually have a date though. It only said that it would end w/ pre-patch.

Have previous seasons not given an actual date? Is it the same language?

I thought they always gave a date, which is how people arrive at the patch date as well as a result.

“Soon” is Blizzards version of notice. I won’t be surprised if it drops on the 29th, but I also won’t be surprised if it’s the 6th.

Hell, I won’t be surprised if it’s October 25th. Blizzard has been making some very odd decisions lately.

It never does.

Yes, exactly the same language. You can see BfA’s here :


Blizzard gave us a vague PvP end-of-season announcement already, so that’s probably all we’re getting for an announcement.

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So 12 day notice down to 8.

I see no problem with that… also the shortest was 11 days.

You understood that?