If pathfinder continues - I will not

sure but if peeps dont like gated stuff they just want to hop in and do whatever the hell the like without having to unlock it first like OP said he wants, classic is def not the place for them

I do use the contracts, main issue has been that I have a Human I use to grind Pathfinder part 1 that I don’t feel like playing much except for that purpose. So I don’t do a lot of superfluous WQs to make those 10 points add up.

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That is true what you stated.

In fact I think that increased activities present in the game like Tortollans reveals how the devs budget cuts have forced them to cut corners. And why path finder and the world quest system is so unpolished and unorganized.

So you are telling me they don’t like to work for something?


Op is telling you

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What is that supposed to mean?

Those were the group of players who told blizzard they didn’t care if they even had flying back in WoD. The wPvPers said they didn’t want flying as a group. The instance players as a group didn’t care and the world players as a group wanted flying.

So yes, you should be ‘punished’ because you never bothered even fighting to have it for the most back when it counted.

While there was a vocal component of the instanced PVP community that didn’t care for flying I would argue there were just as many PVP players that wanted flying for there is a game to be played beyond just instanced PVP.

However, the pendulum has swung to far now where PVE is a requirement to make any decent progress in unrated/rated PVP.

I do agree it is a cautionary tale of be careful of what you wish for as it may lead to disappointment in the end!

The Blizzard Monkey Paw strikes again

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I think the bigger issue isn’t necessarily that “omg I have to do WQs for flying!!!”. I think the bigger issue is “omg, I have to do <tedious, boring content> for flying!!!” It’s less of an indictment of Pathfinder, and more of one against the current rep-grind system. I have Pathfinder, and I intend to get Pathfinder in every expansion going forward. However, I detest WQs. They’re exactly what OP is saying: lackluster, tedious content. They’re… passable at best. And, yes, I usually wish I were doing anything else, even though I do them because I want the rewards.

Like… it’s a game. If WQs are supposed to be a core-gameplay loop, that loop needs to be polished and sparkling. It should be fun to do in-and-of itself, not “I do them because I have to.”

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I intend on getting Pathfinder every time as well. I don’t mind part 1. It goes rather fast, because we’re doing the content anyway. But Part 2 usually drives me bonkers. Mainly for what you’ve mentioned.

The unrelenting boring WQ’s that never seem to change. After several months of doing them for Part 1, only to have to do the same ones over and over again, just gets…bad thoughts inserted here.

I also think the wait between Part 1 and 2 is another drawback.



We all do some kind of work. We all have to do something we don’t like for something we want. However, that’s not how a game operates. A game should be fun always. The steps to getting the reward should be just as fun as actually getting the reward.


Because Flying objectively makes the open-world content in this game much, much more bearable because you circumvent the obstacles presented by zones that feel like they’re explicitly designed to give you the finger if you can’t fly.


Then do the stuff to open up flying. OP stated he did not want to do much in the open world. Just doing the zones gives most of the rep. I would like flying to be out quicker tho.

The Pathfinder requirements could be drastically less annoying, and I wish they were. I’m sure designing the world so that everyone can get everywhere without flying is a difficult job. But, I think I can fully appreciate it after doing the minimum-required story quests and discovering the entire map. Everything beyond that, particularly the rep grinds, feels like punishment. I would rather have to do something like a more casual version of those challenge instances for artifact appearances.


Truthfully, I don’t mind Pathfinder. My only complaint is the Part 2 that actually unlocks flying not coming until over a year into the expac. If it was just Part 1 and you could finish it after you leveled, I bet there would be a lot fewer complaints.

My idea is that they do just that, have Part 1 unlock flying. Then when they add new areas (like nazjatar and mechagon) add a Part 2 to unlock flying in those zones specifically. Repeat the process until you stop adding zones in a expac. This makes leveling alts much easier with flying in the leveling areas at the beginning of the expac and not of halfway through it. I know I sat on my alts, only leveling this guy and an alliance character for the allied race unlocks, until I unlocked flying and now have leveled a lot more characters up since flying was unlocked.


No, it’s not.

If you wanted to dedicate the time to grind out the PF rep, it can be done in less than a month. People have done it, it’s a lot a work. But it’s there for folks who like a serious grind putting in gameplay hours all at once instead of calendar hours.

Most folks don’t do that. Can you do it in a marathon bed pan filling 48 hours straight? No. But it’s nonetheless 30 long days if you want it.

For most folks it’s just easier to do the whole daily/weekly thing. Small bites of the elephant.

And, yea, flying is a great advantage. That’s why they lock it for so long to give everyone AMPLE opportunity to take their sweet time to do it. Make it the lowest stress grind in the game.

Take your sweet time, do it across alts, across factions, across REALMS. EZ Sauce.

You don’t want to do WQs? That’s really too bad as they’re a fabulous source of pretty much everything. Rep, resources, gold, AP. Things everyone needs, even M+ people.

Cheap and easy, and it all adds up.

Get a group to tear through them if all you like to do is group content. You can talk among yourselves how horrible the experience is and find solace that way.

I generally only see groups for world bosses. There used to be groups for every WQ until they intentionally broke popular WQ grouping addons.

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That is a weak arguement. It would be like allowing people to have all gear for free if they wantex. Just because you dont have to does not make it fine.

To be honest ground mounts and flying mounts are like 15 years old. Its boring it doesnt require any skill to fly etc. They should design travel to be fun like guild wars 2

You are not important.