If pathfinder continues - I will not

Just do a search for “Caevan being ignored” for example, and you’ll find everything.

Case in point:


Nasty stuff like being able to fly…at all?


Flight paths do the same, and those’re open once the expansion launches.

Try again.

Hate to play devil’s advocate, but I don’t think flying is the reason the Legion pre-patch was so good and memorable.

It was a genuinely entertaining event, quite varied, incredibly cool lorewise, and with a very low barrier to entry that meant even your lowly alts could join in - it was also fairly rewarding, XP wise, and didn’t overstay its welcome.

Being able to fly made it more convenient to go from invasion to invasion, for sure, but it’s not the reason that it was good.

you do you and I hope you are enjoying yourself.
but classic has a bunch of gated content, behind attunements, keys and whatnot that you simply can’t ignore, even to enter some raids and dg you have to do this chores or you simply cant do the content

I disagree because flight paths do not allow the flexibility to change on the go until you land while with flying mounts you can change your direction at a moments notice and react to what your friends, family, guildmates, or faction members are communicating to you.


Gated content is fine if we are talking high end content. I would not classify pathfinder high end content unlock which is why being gated like it is makes it a very strange decision indeed.

My honest opinion? Blizz should hire more devs and programmers on the team to have flying earlier in an expansion. It is clear that flying is a bottle neck for a team starved of talented devs and programmers. The cost cutting measures put in place by the previous CFO has robbed the WoW team’s ability to be flexible it appears. Which is why I would speculate they are sticking to such a rigid schedule with how flying is released as they simply lack the amount of devs and programmers necessary to have flying ready at expansion launch.


Cross realm dungeons, raids, and zones. Bunch of other things. Also I know what classic has, played it from 2004. Totally loving it over BFA.



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It’s a good thing that your whistle is on a 5min cd.

Pathfinder’s been in the game for 3 expansions now so we’ll see if Blizzcon mentions it or not, but it’s definitely inexpensive if you play alts than paying X amount (adjusted for inflation) per toon!

The only factor that everyone has is for pt2 to be released sooner.

Yup pretty much this . If you want to run dungeons and raids and do not enjoy Wqs then you dont need flying

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Tortollans will be the last rep I need, if things continue at their current rate. The faction that least involves actually playing the game. You can talk about how LFR is too easy, or M+ is too toxic, or how any other World Quest is casual garbage, but I’d take any of it over travelling to the butt end of Azeroth to play Beachead.


I’d try and track down the calligraphy quests - you can literally complete them in 2 seconds, seeing as your mount can run the shape before the diagram even disappears.

… Doesn’t make the tortollan grind any less slow, but maybe a bit less painful.

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Punishing raiders, dungeon players, intanced PVP players, etc is not a good long term strategy.

Heavily gating flying isn’t making the game better. I would argue gating how much gear drops or how much gold is pumped into the WoW virtual economy would be far more beneficial to the long term longevity of the game.


By all means, dislike pathfinding, but…

So if people disagree with you, they’re white knighting and/or idiots. You should have stuck with “I don’t like it” and left it at that.

Personally, I grind out the reps the game provides anyway, because I want to, so I get Pathfinder without doing a damn thing I wasn’t going to do anyway. I’m not being duped. I don’t think Blizzard needs me to defend them. I’m playing the game the way I enjoy. It doesn’t match with yours.

It’s unfortunate this is content you don’t want to do, but you clearly don’t need flight to get what you want out of the game either. It’s not the fault of other players that you feel this way.

I agree.

Flight paths are ok if you need to do something, like a bathroom break etc. Hop on a flight, go and return to being at your destination. Works for me.

Either it’s me or there’s a sometimes problem, or it’s set up that way, but I can see something and need to stop and push the land button and it doesn’t stop at the next one or sometimes not at all. It stops at my end destination.
Yes I know you have to push it before the flight or it takes you to the next. Or it takes you to one that on other side of map and back behind the one I originally tried stopping at. lol I use flight paths only if I know I’m going to be away from my desk…least I won’t know I’m going miles out of my way.

I guess if you want something bad enough…like flying…you go and get it.
Heck I remember getting it the first time when you had to be exalted with the reps needed. Then they lowered it to revered. I didn’t complain. I was ok with it making it easier.

Like someone said earlier, if all you do is mythics, then no worries. Flight path and then ground mounts to where you’re going.

Or you could have an awesome mount collecting friend who has a flying 2 seater. (pats self on back)

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I do all the Tortollan quests if they’re in proximity to something else I’m doing. Admittedly Calligraphy is the fastest one, especially with the HUD from World Quest List.

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is dg high end content? because there is some gated DG

Okay, goodbye, have fun playing whatever game you want to in the future.

Pathfinder isn’t going anywhere. Now, what you could do is suggest Blizzard change it so that Pathfinder part 1 enables flying in expansion zones available at the start of the expansion, but, throwing ultimatums like this? Never going to work.


And you’ve had a Tortollan contract each week while doing your WQs (or while pursuing the other factions) right?

Every 10 rep towards Exalted counts, and they add up quickly!