If pathfinder continues - I will not

This isn’t true, this is an absolute lie. I never once stated that I don’t play WoW. And hiding what? My profile? So are you. lol


So you are claiming you are currently playing this game ?

Yes, not a single time have I ever said I am not playing this game.

You don’t need to be a beta tester to know pathfinder is bad game design when it forces players that are not heavy daily questers into doing it. Raiders, mythic +, pet battle players, instanced PVP players, etc grind out pathfinder via a questing system that is showing signs of great neglect. A reputation system that has no meaningful impact anymore is used to prop it up.

Pathfinder is one giant sloppy mess quite honestly.

The original intent of an epic quest chain to unlock flying in the first major patch is the most elegant and logical solution. And then unlocking flying when a new landmass is released piece by piece like FF does it.


I see I might have made an assumption, my apologies.

I assume you meant here you have TWO accounts.

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Well, yeah, two or more.

Thank you for owning up to your mistake, that is something many posters won’t do.


Having a conversation about a gameplay feature some people do not enjoy sounds pretty productive. I enjoy world of warcraft, and wish the team made different decision regarding the flying unlock. That is literally the point of forums. Plus, you are kidding yourself if anything on these forums is productive - this is just a place where like minded people can sling poop at each other across the internet. I bet internally they sigh at the word “forum” like many of us do at work when the story starts “on social media I heard.”

Sorry you took this so personally, maybe you work at Blizzard and spear-headed the pathfinder idea? If so, the system blows.


People are far too quick to shove negative opinions into the ‘whining’ pile.

I really don’t mind if someone’s opinion is negative, repetitive, or even meandering, everyone deserves at least the benefit of the doubt. If you feel they don’t, replying is just a waste of time.

This wouldn’t be a discussion people wanted to have time and time again if they didn’t see it as an issue to a game they otherwise enjoyed.


I still say you should get flying area to area, finish the story and maybe explorer for the area you can fly there.

Tho I do like that I don’t have to buy flying on my army of alts. Plus I have like 4 accounts on 1 bnet so only 1 needs to do it and the rest get it. Which is really nice.

Flying doesn’t bring people together - shared interests and goals do.

Being able to fly is an individual’s ability to get places faster / gather resources.

I think you need to re-evaluate your comprehension skills.

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I wish they’d do an economic restart so we can have a currency with value again and we could buy flying once more


Yet, so many people have flying now. Explain that maestro.

I don’t mind pathfinder as long as it doesn’t take almost a year into the expansion to unlock it.


Flying to me in my opinion brings players together when doing world activities. Legion pre patch event was a good example of flying bringing players together out in the world as a community. Legion pre patch event was fun and showed how flying was a positive impact for all of the community.

My comprehension skills are fine. You fail to realize we all have different opinions when it comes to this topic!

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Do what I did and switch to classic. You avoid pathfinder and all the other nasty stuff.

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This isn’t why pathfinder exists. It exists so you’ll look at all their artwork for XXX amount of time and complete their puzzles. It is meant to cover up the lack of creativity in creating a 3D world.

Yes, the reasoning is petty but it is what it is.


like flying


Honestly… if I can’t enjoy it like I want. I don’t want it or current content really. I’ll stick with the old servers.

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You cooing at me? YOU COOING AT ME?!?!

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God I hope if we do get that rumored revival series they keep Goodfeathers Pesto’s rants are gold.