If pathfinder continues - I will not

Part 2 took players not a lot of time to complete, of course 8.2 probably being delayed probably did not help (***My view, I know nothing of schedules, but the HOA changes probably did not help). The timeline for part two, in the future, definitely needs to be pushed faster, but part 2 is fine to keep the content fresh for a little while.

Maybe you werenā€™t paying attention when you chose the title of the thread. If thereā€™s another way to interpret it, Iā€™d love to hear it.

honestly when pathfinder consisted of completing the quests in all of the zones, I was OK with it. locking it behind time gated world quest reputations, I am not OK with.
its irritating and it serves no purpose other than to slow players down. if you want to slow people down, engage them. give them something to do. a reason to slow down.
dont just lock content behind some reputation that you can only obtain once per day. thats how you get people to look for new games. finished all my dailies in WoW, what else can I do? play ff14?


Yeah I never get flying during an expac with Pathfinder. It is a huge disincentive to play for me.

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Not sure why I am bothering, but here:

It is called if-then logic, from the dummies page for yah:

Every geometry proof is a sequence of deductions that use if-then logic. You write one of the given facts as statement 1. Then, for statement 2, you put something that follows from statement 1 and write your justification for that in the reason column. Then you proceed to statement 3, and so on, till you get to the prove statement. The way you get from statement 1 to statement 2, from statement 2 to statement 3, and so on is by using if-then logic.

In my post, if pathfinder remains in the next expansion, then I will play other games. Not rocket science, they teach this to high school students.


Sorry to hear the news. WE are losing many great community players because of this. :frowning:


The best part?

Flying isnā€™t required for either of these activities, so you neednā€™t fuss with PF.

Pursue PF if you want to, but donā€™t stress out about it (& QQ about it on the forums, beating the dead horse) if you donā€™t want to acquire it.


Pathfinder has become toxic and has split the community in two when in a MMORPG it is supposed to bring people together.


After Nazjatar I swore I would never buy another expansion until flying was completely in the game so I knew what I was getting and what I would have to do to get it. I am not sure they can tempt me to change my mind on that.


It was never a problem until blizz made it one.


I enjoy pathfinder. I hope you find a game you enjoy playing, OP. See you later.

Zidaneā€¦Iā€™m with you. Well,actually I may be a bit ahead of you. I stopped purchasing expansions after WOD because of Pathfinder. In WOD Pathfinder was do-able for all players like myself who have the eye/hand reaction time of a turtleā€¦mandatory participation in dungeons/raids was not required. I completed WOD Pathfinder, it was OK, would have preferred to not have to do it but getting flying was worth completing the requirementsā€¦because I could complete it. Starting with Legions, dungeon/raid mandatory participation is required along with the horrid time gating. Until Pathfinder is removed OR another workable, player friendly means are added to get flying I will no longer purchase expansions.

For the folks that donā€™t like flyingā€¦donā€™t !!!

/shakes head in disbelief


You admitted in another thread you arenā€™t even playing the gameā€¦

oops better edit this since I am getting likes. He said he isnā€™t paying blizzard on the account he is posting on and I made the assumption only one account. See below for more details if you care.

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What? lol where? I havenā€™t not played this game in many years.

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Even as someone who doesnā€™t have all that much of an issue with Pathfinder, itā€™s very hard to find reasons for its existence beyond making people spend a little more time.

Current zone design isnā€™t particularly immersive - I do love some of the newer zones, donā€™t get me wrong, but I never find myself sinking into them and saying, ā€œWow, I could live here.ā€ - so wandering around them on the ground gets old particularly quick. Itā€™s usually worn out its welcome by the second month or so.

I actually do prefer getting an achievement to buying everyone flying skill, but I donā€™t see what the time gate adds to the whole experience. It just feels malicious. Perhaps itā€™d be better without Part 2.

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Seriously, i hate hate hate how blizzard funnels players into how they want them to play and spend their time in such an open game.

ā€œHey guys I cant PVP with my 2 hours of free time this week because i need to farm Repā€


That is 100% your opinion. I completely disagree. Part 2 is petty.


The thread you made about being ignored. I would link but of course you are hiding everything.

PVP templates split the community and that forced changes by the complete removal. LFR has been controversial and has seen many changes because of how the community is split. Only pathfinder remains in a very bad state as it is because it follows a poor model.

Earning something and being gated to use it is bad game design for Pathfinder. That type of mentality is what led to Azerite armor upgrades sitting in peopleā€™s bags and what will lead to people having corrupted gear sit in peopleā€™s bags until they have enough to counteract corruption.

Players earn something they should be rewarded in a timely fashion as that the core principal of MMORPG design. Betraying that core tenet of MMORPG design puts a stain on everything else that follows.

That is why Pathfinder fails as a compromise as it with holds a reward players earn many, many months before it can be used.


That does absolutely nothing to explain how this is anything more productive or useful than another ā€˜I quitā€™ thread.