If not Tinker, then what class

None. Already too much of a pain to balance crap.


computer hacker!

He’s smart. He knows what he talking about. I like this dwarf.
How about coming over to the dark side my little dwarf? The Horde can use the Dark Iron Dwarfs.

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I think that if something can be fully achieved with a single spec added to an existing class, it should be done with that rather than trying to stretch into multiple specs for a new class. A sword and shield dps fighter is just taking the old Gladiator Stance warrior build and making it into a 4th warrior spec. Done.

I’d say the same thing about Necromancer. Just give DK a full ranged intellect spellcaster summoner spec. I know people get hung up on the armor type, but really who cares; armor type means almost nothing in WoW and there’s plenty of robe style DK armor.

Bard could be accomplished in one spec added on to Rogue. But, I think there’s also enough depth and options there that it could easily fill its own class and multiple specs.

Tinker makes the most sense as a new class though. As said many times before in these threads, its already something in the game world and has been since the RTS games. It’s all there in game just waiting to made into a class. It has plenty of lore, depth, and build options and would not step on the class fantasy of any other current class.


we wanted ogres and nagas, got silly dragons.

we want tinkers? were gonna get something else that makes no sense.


i think mason would be a good class. they are very strong from laying bricks all day and they can use trowels as weapons

The only other gap that’s really missing is arcane melee/tank, which does fit the theme of Midnight being very Quel’thalas focused. Spellbreaker/Spellblade is certainly a possibility.

A shadow class is possible as well, but I really don’t think the game needs another edgelord hero class and we already have shadow based casters, healer, and melee DPS. Only new thing to add to shadow would be a tank.

I’d prefer tinker/artificer.

how about a magician. not a wizard like a mage, but like an illusionist like criss angel. they could “conjure” weapons from hidden places to do damage. it would be epic

That could be a Bard spec in the far off future after we get tinkers

That idea reminds me of Mesmers in Guild Wars. It’s a neat concept, for sure, but I think that would fit best as an additional mage spec rather than an entirely new class

I’m not a tinker hater, and would love to see them. But typically new classes are on point thematically with the expansion… so I think a Spellblade (arcane/void infused melee class) may be what we see.

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Tinker is overdue, but so really is Necromancer and Shadowlands would have been the perfect time to add them. So don’t hold your breath waiting for Tinkers. That said, yes, I will make one if they add the class.

i think a chef would be a good class. they can fight with knifes, forks, spatulas (sharpened of course) and such. special abilities like Throw Boiling Soup would give them powerful ranged aoe.

Warden or Crypt Lord class.

Warden is elf/Shadow based which fits Midnight’s thematics.

Crypt Lord class would utilize Evolved Nerubians who could transform into the big bugs. That class could enter in TLT since we might see a return of Azjol Nerub.

A Tinker class would only fit as a mid-expansion class release in 11.1.5 or as the class in TLT.

Crypt Lords, Wardens, Tinkers, and Alchemists are some of the last remaining WC3 heroes without abilities in the class lineup.

The new class should be a microtransaction processor that allows you to access goods and services which aren’t available on the normal in-game shop. Their contributions to dungeons and raids would be microtransactions which afford you various combat and utility effects, but only if purchased within the content and only while the microtransaction processor remains in the group.

It would have a single spec, and two hero trees. One hero tree would focus on reducing the cost of items in its shop, and the other would focus on increasing their efficacy at the cost of increased price (i.e. at the cost of cost). Examples of talents would be e.g. Increases the number of credit cards the information of which may be stored by 2/4.


gotta be honest that is super epic and sick. +1 good sir!

No new class, we need new specs, tank shaman. Support warrior and paladin, ranged demon hunter using dual wield crosbow (lol) and other things.

If they don’t want to make a whole new 2-3 specs and hero specs to go with them, they could always just fit in with Midnight’s theme and toss Spellbreaker on warrior as a fourth spec. Then make it support DPS like aug for the memes.

As I said in your other thread, Sir Spamsalot, no class. Game doesn’t need more classes, it needs more focus on balance. Now go ahead on another weird carrot rant.

The constant new classes we keep getting and talent over hauls says you’re wrong